Dec 3, 2023Liked by Laura K

What is the point of voting labour now? We don’t have a democracy.

I hate Starmer

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This is brilliant and very funny. I am wondering if you Laura connect with people who write with deSmog, Open Democracy and alternative leaders like Ruth and Christobel Reid. I love the work of Kate Raworth and the group who wrote Earth For All. I am hoping that some where people are uniting labour and the green party and coming up with a viable political platform. I took courses online with Christobel and Ruth in 2020 and 2021 and was amazed. I also took a course with Jeremy Lent and Programs in Earth Literacy in 2021. Jeremy referred to his article on the five conspiracies that everyone needed to know about published on a few sites.

I had never heard of the Mont Pellerin Society and the Atlas Network. I had never heard of Frederick Hayek, Milton Freedman nor Antony Fisher. No one I know has ever heard of these influencers. I started searching and I ordered books on Inequality, financial crime, climate change, our diversity crisis indigenous Wisdom and history. Over a year ago I realized that I needed to sell our home and downsize because of the rising cost of living . So I packed up my many books and now am trying to unpack more books.

I just found the book " The politics of Jesus" written by Obery M. Hendricks which I plan to read . I have skimmed through many books looking to find confirmation of the existence and influence of the MPS and the Atlas Network and the return of Christian Nationalism, white supremacy, massive inequality, massive global environmental. degradation, oppression, torture, violence and war all of which is purportedly " The Will of God ".

I read a chapter in this book, in which Professor Hendricks writes about how both former Presidents Reagan and Bush spoke about their. " Christian " faith and fooled all kinds of people. What for me is so alarming is that from what I am reading starting with Reagan, Thatcher, Brian Mulrooney in Canada and Bob Hawke in Australia their new or / return to a "trickle down" power system has been embraced by every political party in many different countries for decades with the only English speaking exception being Joe Biden and Jacinda Ardern.

If Biden can somehow squat Netanyahu I will really be relived.

Life in Gaza is already hell on steroids without more bombing and attacks on over one million children and 90,000 pregnant women . Sure enough it seems to me through checking different date bases that the MPS and the Atlas Network encouraged horrible policies in Israel against Palestinians.

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At least on your side of the pond there seems to be some number of folks who realize what an utter disaster Thatcher was. On this side the unwashed masses remain enamored with Thatcher's contemporary and rumored paramour Reagan.

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You're on fire today LK. Superb stuff 😂

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Hilarious!!! ''Liz Truss came along and reigned for six glorious weeks until she was slain by a lettuce. RIP.'''

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Brilliant, really showed his true colours now hasn’t he...💙💙💙

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We need to make "NOT MY KEIR" T-shirts ahead of the general election. The man's an absolute toilet.

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Brilliant! The Cadaver Synod could never be like this!

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King Charles is NOT in any way a favourite of mine. I'm anti-royalist, and I most certainly don't want the UK to become a royal fiefdom in any greater and more damaging way than it is already! Anti royalism is a definite movement here in the uk.

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Brilliant as always

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So funny that Labor actually means anti-labot. Hear in the USA we have the streamlined version. Anti Population, or Anti Population., Our two party system give the chattle two different slave masters to choose from. And when one of our masters kicks the bucket, we all morn them as if a Dimegod has pass. Great article, Laura

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Starmer will not get my vote even though you are doing an excellent job praising his credentials . It pains me to say he would be worse that what we have already. I am a political fugitive who no longer believes we have a democracy or that our votes matter. That leaves the question of where do I /we go from here ? I hope I can still keep laughing as the farce worsens.... good to have your views on the madness.

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I've had a funny feeling about him for a while now, particularly since he steamrollered three very good ideas voted for by the party faithful - including Proportional Representation - then he bullied his MPs into voting against the call for a ceasefire in Gaza. I'm no fan of the Tory shysters, but at least they are obvious idiots. Starmer is a power-hungry gremlin and I doubt that will be good for the UK in the long run.

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Starmer will only be good for himself and his backers including Israel.

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Even I know enough about UK politics to know why this was brutal and hilarious. From over here it's looked like all Labour had to do was continue to let the current party running things keep on slamming down the hits. Literally doing nothing should have sufficed. Why does Labour not want to be in charge anymore? Or I guess it's why don't they want to be Labour anymore? There's some dissonance surrounding the whole winning elections due to votes aspect of this it would appear.

Why can't our minority party have Shadow Cabinets?! We have a Shadow Docket, it wouldn't fix anything but it does sound a bit impressive.

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Keir Starmer the blairite wanker

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Why do these savvy domestic abuse enablers sorry I mean centrists always think that given the choice between conservative and conservative-lite, voters will choose conservative-lite? I understand that flipping a vote is worth 2 votes (at least here in the US with our MMA politics), but it's just so fucking sad to see these Pilates so eager to punch hippies. <columboreference> Stick potatoes in their tailpipes </columboreference>

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But apart from that?

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As someone who left school in 1982, when The Devil was at her peak. I'll give you some facts about The Devil & what she did to my city. You see my city suffered more than any other under Thatcher. Which I know 99.9% of the British population haven't got a clue about. Why would they? They've no interest in my city & will most likely try & claim they were more hard done by. But I'm going to explain it. It will give you an idea why my city was the 1st vote counted in the Brexit vote & it was a result, that made Cameron & the BBC presenters Jaws drop. As they realised after this vote came in. We might just be leaving the EU. My city was the biggest town in Europe until the 90's when it was made a city. I'll never know why, anyway it was the biggest ship building town in Europe & only S.Korean ship builders could compete. We built merchant ships for over 650 years. We had the most modern ship yards in the world. We had full order books after winning a contract for 32 Roro ferries. But the shipyards were always profitable. She sent her minister to oversee her decision to close the shipyards. Which employed tens of thousands. Then 5 x more people in the region as suppliers. Steelworks & the likes. After her minister arrived, he was staggered at the amount of work won. He was amazed at the efficiency, unbelievably a Tory minister went back to Thatcher & ended up begging her to not close down the yards. There was no financial sense in it. She refused point blank, she despised the Unions that much. After 650 years she got her way, it decimated my town as it was. We had the worst unemployment figures in the country. What did her Government do to help the town recover? She closed the 2nd biggest employer of my town & wider region the coal mines down. Including the biggest mine which was in the middle of town. One of the so called super pits. It had at least another 250 years worth of the finest graded coal you could buy. My local football team has its stadium built there now. What about the Brexit vote you might ask. Well here's the worst of all decisions made by the Devil. Someone had to build those 32 ferries & someone had to supply the UK's power stations with coal. She gave them to our European "partners" & bought poor quality Polish coal. But then she twisted the knife in. With those lovely European politicians for no other reason than hatred for Unions. They made it illegal for my town to build any ships or do any work on ships for 25 years. Meaning all trades & sills would be lost & the ship yards would fall into disrepair. The EU was going to help regenerate with its funding. We got 4 retail units 2 are empty still & 3 tiny office premises. No one works in offices here. They're empty now & always have been. That was what the EU & our gov did. The social costs are as big if not bigger today. My now city is destroyed, poor poverty & sickness are way above the national average as is child mortality. We've been accused of being backward racists & am kinds for our vote on Brexit. The EU over the past 30 years has funded all kinds in so called poor countries. But they never have tried to help my city. Exactly the same from Labour or The Devils party. Even some American reporter wrote a huge article in the NYTimes accusing the people of my town of being basically idiotic backward folk stuck in the past. Not having a clue of how the The Devil together with the EU tried to slaughter us. We are on life support barely surviving now but we aren't racist or backward.

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