LauraK launches her own nuke and no one comments? This is weaponised satire of the highest grade. Not venting but cluster bombing the imperial lands of smug warmongers masquerading as ‘people’s representatives’. Take them all down LauraK. All of them.
William we need a new Media platform to give real Journalism to the masses instead of the bs we get from the government,the government in Waiting and the msm ! A new Newspaper A real Television News service and a site to give 24/7 real news so people can make an educated view on whether their political party leader is following what his/her voters are telling them to do! After all they Work for us at the end of the day! Unfortunately I wouldn't employ a Tory politician or Starmer because I can't stand liars! Loyalty and integrity are so important to me! I may not be rich in assets or in anything but I have Loyalty, integrity and respect for other's as well as Love in my Soul and my Heart. I believe that it's "Nice to be Nice" ! ( that doesn't mean that I am weak)!!
What is really sad in today's world is that you must lie to gain power. I do not see any way around this. Starmer knows this, and I am sure it makes him angry. I will just say, the proof is in the pudding, and the Tories use arsenic on babies. Vote for who you think MIGHT be best in reality.
I would rather be at peace with myself than be in Power then! No one should lie just to gain power or money! Because when they do lie how do we know what they really believe? Honesty and my reputation means a lot to me, I've made mistakes as a youth. I have a decent reputation which is because I am honest, reliable and I am very Loyal, ok I'm disabled, degenerative skeletal disease, Diverticular disease among other issues, I don't Drink or take unprescribed drugs, and I treat people with respect! Oh and I'm old.👍
You have got me completely wrong, just because I dislike and disagree with Starmer doesn't mean I'd vote tory! I would rather vote independant .yet I know that won't help, my morals as you put it are part of me, I have always voted Labour but tbh this time I'm stuck in a quandary. I don't want to help the Tories, I want Labour to win but not with the dross we have in the Labour party today. Sorry if you don't like that but that's how I am. I hope Labour wins but Starmer has lied too much no spine/ Backbone. A Disgrace
My point is that the proof is in the pudding. After all, a tiny majority voted for Brexit. I believe Starmer is tiptoeing towards a massive win, and doesn't want to upset the Brexit idiots back into the Tory camp.
Starmer angry? He's incapable of any emotion. He'll pretend whatever war de jour suits his self-interest. Democide, genocide, invasion, obliteration, whateva
I know it's a serious issue but I can't help but laugh at your description of Starmer right on the ball! An American State department official "Resigned" today calling out Biden for the supply of weapons to Israel! FACT! He stated that the USA has a broken system civil servant's point out that America is enabling Israel to commit war crimes against the American governmental law, a Broken system that whenever a civil servant pointed out the law an America government official would revoke the notice or force the complaint to be redacted! How insane is that! ( this has just been confirmed via Novara Media) and I trust them more than the bias of the BBC
Absolutely correct! Somehow, I cannot reconcile this with the "freedom of speech" presumably covered in the First Amendment, but I'm sure this is merely a shortcoming on my part. Thanks also for mentioning Novara.
That was my reaction. Why the feck ( that’s an Irish word right?)are we sending weapons to Israel?
And I seriously think that Netyanhu has probably ordered the bombing to completely raze Gaza so that Israel can rebuild it for well, Israel Westside Park. So why should they care that they are killing Innocent Palestinians? Where would we put them in our new Israel Westside Park?
Yes it is Irish ,I'm Scots but brought up in England and I always used "Feck or fek" because my Mum thought fek was an ordinary Word not a cuss word ! My Mum bless her didn't swear ! Or didn't think she did. I agree 100 % Israeli government has been waiting for this. TBH I wouldn't be surprised if this was just counted as Collateral Damage
Oh, come on. Of course a raid on ravers within ear-shoot of the open air concerntration camp prisoners -- since 1948 -- is the right thing to do with your RAGE.
Listen to Norman: Left to perish and die, left in the desert, and no one will care. Or forget.
Israel has unleashed a horrific war of collective punishment against the people of Gaza, the latest in a long history of anti-Palestinian oppression. As corporate media shamelessly provides cover for what is undoubtedly a genocide unfolding in real time, the need to ground our understanding of the conflict in its proper history is more important than ever. Norman Finkelstein joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss Israel's 17 year blockade of Gaza and its crucial significance to understanding the events of the past two weeks.
Israel’s latest attack can and should be described as an extermination of Palesinians in Gaza. It is genocidal.
In September of 1831, following the rebellion in Southampton, William Lloyd Garrison's newspaper, the Liberator, attacked slavery (in typically colorful fashion) as the root cause of Nat Turner's uprising:
"All the blood which has been shed will be required at your hands. At your hands alone? No -- but at the hands of the people of New England and of all the free states. The crime of oppression is national. The south is only the agent in this guilty traffic. But remember! The same causes are at work which must inevitably produce the same effects; and when the contest shall have again begun, it must be again a war of extermination. In the present instance, no quarters have been asked or given.
But we have killed and routed them now -- we can do it again and again -- we are invincible! A dastardly triumph, that can think, without emotion, of the extermination of the blacks! We have the power to kill all -- let us, therefore, continue to apply the whip and forge new fetters."
It's interesting that Garrison was very clear that the entire country was indicted in the crime of slavery. (This is a man who called the Constitution "a covenant with death.") More interesting for our purposes is Garrison's insistence that Southerners might seek the "extermination of the blacks." It's tempting to dismiss this as Garrison's typically superflous rhetoric. But in fact Garrison might well have been pulling from the contemporary sources of his time.
Just unleash hell, Palestinians. Please, just go after each and every Jew in Israel. The Jews want to blow up Iran, Syria, Lebanon, with those 600 nuclear bombs.
This is the race of all racists. They will do to Gaza City which the Nazis did to = Oradour-sur-Glane: Martyred Village (The visible remains of Nazi brutality).
During the Warsaw Uprising in August 1944, more than 85% of Warsaw's historic centre was destroyed by Nazi troops.
Santa Klaus's city? When the tide of war turned against the Axis powers, Russia told the Finns to expel the Germans; as the German army departed in October 1944, they burned Rovaniemi to the ground. The residents had already been evacuated, many to Sweden, an arduous process in which 279 died.Dec 19, 2018.
It's possible they will use a tact nuclear weapon against Iran. -- Norman Finklestein.
Laura, I'm afraid I could barely get past the first sentence. This read like a Corbyn-like attack: 'Israel's genocide'. The history of the Middle East is hugely complicated. To begin to understand the latest appalling conflict you have to have a more than superficial understanding of the history of both peoples and how and why Israel came into being, but obviously this is your Substack, not mine, so I won't write about it here. I'm just troubled by how quickly sympathy for the unlawful massacre of Israeli citizens and foreign residents has turned into attacks on Israel, satirical or direct, with the return of the default attitude: 'poor, oppressed Palestinians good, aggressive powerful Israelis and their supporters bad.' Satire is a brilliant tool when it's used well but it has to be more than a parade ground for prejudice and stereotyping. I won't unsubscribe yet because I've loved all your pieces up till these latest ones on the Middle East, but please think carefully about what you write on this subject, specifically who you want to offend and even more importantly why.
Given the very questionable facts around the Hamas invasion ( IDF nowhere to be seen, either near the border or for hours afterwards- most dispatched to the West Bank), the silence of the 'impregnable' iron dome, the Egyptian warnings of something 'big' afoot in Gaza ignored, is it too much of a stretch to question who exactly enacted the 'unlawful massacre'? This looks like a planned operation, and more so everyday! We have seen opposing sides collaborating many times. Not least on January 6th 2021.
This sounds like conspiracy theory to me. Israel is bad but not that bad. Anyway, there is no doubt that Hamas committed the massacre. Beyond that, it's all harmful soeculation
Applause for another brilliant column, @Laura K. You raised so many points, all of which have "struck home" (or would have, if Tories had any vestige of a conscience).
<< We are also going to update The Equality Act to make opposing genocide a form of racism. >>
Sadly, this might actually happen! If Trump and the ReThuglicans regain control, it WILL happen in the USA.
I am also distressed by the way Western media (particularly Right-wing media) spread unconfirmed reports (e.g., that Hamas beheaded forty babies: cf., Here in the USA, we have a proud history with "facts" -- e.g., that Sadaam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction." [Please don't mention that we haven't found any. Only twenty years have passed since we destroyed Iraq, and surely something will turn up somewhere...]
I frequently listen to "News Hour" on the BBC. Sadly, I rarely hear much coverage of Ukraine, because the conflict in Israel has received a disproportionate amount of air time since 7 October.
This is why I do not consent to the psychopathic legal/governmental system. At all. I stand sovereign on Ethical ground. Nothing in that legal system applies to Me.
I was wondering if this was some cunning master plan by the USA. Given their love of regime change on the flimsiest of excuses or even complete lies are they enticing Israel to give them an excuse to invade?. Two carrier fleets off the Palestinian coast, makes you think! PS To do this may require a side deal with Hezbollah but as we know the Yanks will do anything for a bit of dessert, oil, and munitions order.
Schrödinger may or may not be turning in his grave, no one knows .. I only recently discovered that Hannah Arendt was horrendously racist, but my philosophical equivocations aside, thank you for the killing jokes. It really is the only way I can cope with the bucketload of bloody grommets we call politicians. Are there enough lampposts on the Embankment for them all to swing from? Just asking..
The sheer inhumanity on display in the Western world is disgusting. The US will continue to supply the genocidal Israeli government with weapons. It's almost as if the US has a racism problem🧐 Nah😕 Couldn't be…
Your sarcasm is noted. Genocide is a bit strong. Were the Jews intent on genocide, they'd know from experience how to go about it. In fact,the term was first used, albeit retrospectively, to describe what happened to Jews in WW II. Not only that, in all the definitions of genocide, there is an element of intent. Don't confuse genocide with what Israel is doing. Look to Rwanda for histories latest example of actual genocide. In the space of about 100 days in 1994, 800,000 (75%) of the Tutsi tribe was removed from that land by the Hutus. Not by expulsion, but by slaughter.
At the time, the Hutus had both the intent and the means. In Israel, Hamas has the intent, but not the means. The Jews have the means but not the intent.
The Israeli government has already said they plan to wipe them out, so they do indeed have both the means and the intent. There's an open field day on killing Palestinians in the West Bank as well.
With almost constant bombing for two weeks, no drinkable water, no food, no medicines, etc. you have to give the Israelis time, Jamie. It hasn't been 100 days yet.
Read: Investigative history sifts hard fact from the decade's rumors and half-confirmed reports about Israel's nuclear weapons program. The result is a convincing description of nuclear capacity sought from the very beginning of the new state and achieved while Americans pretended ignorance or provided indirect assistance.
Hersh argues that it is virtually certain that Israel received accelerated aid from the United States during the 1973 Yom Kippuf War by "nuclear blackmail," i.e., threatening to use nuclear weapons against the Arab foes.
The Samson Option (Hebrew: ברירת שמשון, b'rerat shimshon) is the name that some military analysts and authors have given to Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against a country whose military has invaded and/or destroyed much of Israel.
Commentators also have employed the term to refer to situations where non-nuclear, non-Israeli actors have threatened conventional weapons retaliation, such as Yasser Arafat. The end result would destroy much of the planet's landscape if not planet Earth as a whole.
The name is a reference to the biblical Israelite judge Samson who pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had captured him, crying out "Let me die with the Philistines!" (Judges 16:30).
David’s Sling (Hebrew designation: Magic Wand) is an Israeli air and missile defense system designed to defeat short-range ballistic missiles, large-caliber rockets, and cruise missiles.
Video footage of beams of light pulsing through the night sky prompted speculation about the potential use of a new weapon in the Israel-Hamas war — the Iron Beam.
"Breaking: Israel activates new energy based iron beam system in taking out missles (sic) heading towards Tel Aviv," read the caption of an Oct. 15 Instagram video. The beams appear to strike two targets in quick succession, then a third.
After showing footage of beams striking targets in the sky, the video explains how the Iron Beam works.
The Iron Beam will be the first of its kind and will add to Israel’s defense system. But based on available information, it’s not clear whether the weapon is ready for use or being used.
These racists care about no other country or peoples.
LauraK launches her own nuke and no one comments? This is weaponised satire of the highest grade. Not venting but cluster bombing the imperial lands of smug warmongers masquerading as ‘people’s representatives’. Take them all down LauraK. All of them.
[...]masquerading as 'people'.
Oh yes please!
Thank you, Laura. So many people only see flags, not human beings, in all of this. Very sad, indeed.
It's the mass protests worldwide calling for the genocide of Palestinians that I find blood-curdling.
That must be why the want protesters in jail.
They're not the ones in jail...
William we need a new Media platform to give real Journalism to the masses instead of the bs we get from the government,the government in Waiting and the msm ! A new Newspaper A real Television News service and a site to give 24/7 real news so people can make an educated view on whether their political party leader is following what his/her voters are telling them to do! After all they Work for us at the end of the day! Unfortunately I wouldn't employ a Tory politician or Starmer because I can't stand liars! Loyalty and integrity are so important to me! I may not be rich in assets or in anything but I have Loyalty, integrity and respect for other's as well as Love in my Soul and my Heart. I believe that it's "Nice to be Nice" ! ( that doesn't mean that I am weak)!!
What is really sad in today's world is that you must lie to gain power. I do not see any way around this. Starmer knows this, and I am sure it makes him angry. I will just say, the proof is in the pudding, and the Tories use arsenic on babies. Vote for who you think MIGHT be best in reality.
I would rather be at peace with myself than be in Power then! No one should lie just to gain power or money! Because when they do lie how do we know what they really believe? Honesty and my reputation means a lot to me, I've made mistakes as a youth. I have a decent reputation which is because I am honest, reliable and I am very Loyal, ok I'm disabled, degenerative skeletal disease, Diverticular disease among other issues, I don't Drink or take unprescribed drugs, and I treat people with respect! Oh and I'm old.👍
How many will die or suffer because of your morals. Choose your morals wisely, look beyond your own feelings.
I'm old too. Cancer, stoma, heart attack, etc etc. More Tories will end the NHS.
You have got me completely wrong, just because I dislike and disagree with Starmer doesn't mean I'd vote tory! I would rather vote independant .yet I know that won't help, my morals as you put it are part of me, I have always voted Labour but tbh this time I'm stuck in a quandary. I don't want to help the Tories, I want Labour to win but not with the dross we have in the Labour party today. Sorry if you don't like that but that's how I am. I hope Labour wins but Starmer has lied too much no spine/ Backbone. A Disgrace
My point is that the proof is in the pudding. After all, a tiny majority voted for Brexit. I believe Starmer is tiptoeing towards a massive win, and doesn't want to upset the Brexit idiots back into the Tory camp.
Starmer angry? He's incapable of any emotion. He'll pretend whatever war de jour suits his self-interest. Democide, genocide, invasion, obliteration, whateva
This is still short of #Tory corruption, still getting worse every day after 13 years
Wrong! You won't see the Palestinian flag as it's been banned as being anti-semitic.
I know it's a serious issue but I can't help but laugh at your description of Starmer right on the ball! An American State department official "Resigned" today calling out Biden for the supply of weapons to Israel! FACT! He stated that the USA has a broken system civil servant's point out that America is enabling Israel to commit war crimes against the American governmental law, a Broken system that whenever a civil servant pointed out the law an America government official would revoke the notice or force the complaint to be redacted! How insane is that! ( this has just been confirmed via Novara Media) and I trust them more than the bias of the BBC
Absolutely correct! Somehow, I cannot reconcile this with the "freedom of speech" presumably covered in the First Amendment, but I'm sure this is merely a shortcoming on my part. Thanks also for mentioning Novara.
That was my reaction. Why the feck ( that’s an Irish word right?)are we sending weapons to Israel?
And I seriously think that Netyanhu has probably ordered the bombing to completely raze Gaza so that Israel can rebuild it for well, Israel Westside Park. So why should they care that they are killing Innocent Palestinians? Where would we put them in our new Israel Westside Park?
Yes it is Irish ,I'm Scots but brought up in England and I always used "Feck or fek" because my Mum thought fek was an ordinary Word not a cuss word ! My Mum bless her didn't swear ! Or didn't think she did. I agree 100 % Israeli government has been waiting for this. TBH I wouldn't be surprised if this was just counted as Collateral Damage
Oh, come on. Of course a raid on ravers within ear-shoot of the open air concerntration camp prisoners -- since 1948 -- is the right thing to do with your RAGE.
Listen to Norman: Left to perish and die, left in the desert, and no one will care. Or forget.
Israel has unleashed a horrific war of collective punishment against the people of Gaza, the latest in a long history of anti-Palestinian oppression. As corporate media shamelessly provides cover for what is undoubtedly a genocide unfolding in real time, the need to ground our understanding of the conflict in its proper history is more important than ever. Norman Finkelstein joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss Israel's 17 year blockade of Gaza and its crucial significance to understanding the events of the past two weeks.
Israel’s latest attack can and should be described as an extermination of Palesinians in Gaza. It is genocidal.
In September of 1831, following the rebellion in Southampton, William Lloyd Garrison's newspaper, the Liberator, attacked slavery (in typically colorful fashion) as the root cause of Nat Turner's uprising:
"All the blood which has been shed will be required at your hands. At your hands alone? No -- but at the hands of the people of New England and of all the free states. The crime of oppression is national. The south is only the agent in this guilty traffic. But remember! The same causes are at work which must inevitably produce the same effects; and when the contest shall have again begun, it must be again a war of extermination. In the present instance, no quarters have been asked or given.
But we have killed and routed them now -- we can do it again and again -- we are invincible! A dastardly triumph, that can think, without emotion, of the extermination of the blacks! We have the power to kill all -- let us, therefore, continue to apply the whip and forge new fetters."
It's interesting that Garrison was very clear that the entire country was indicted in the crime of slavery. (This is a man who called the Constitution "a covenant with death.") More interesting for our purposes is Garrison's insistence that Southerners might seek the "extermination of the blacks." It's tempting to dismiss this as Garrison's typically superflous rhetoric. But in fact Garrison might well have been pulling from the contemporary sources of his time.
Just unleash hell, Palestinians. Please, just go after each and every Jew in Israel. The Jews want to blow up Iran, Syria, Lebanon, with those 600 nuclear bombs.
This is the race of all racists. They will do to Gaza City which the Nazis did to = Oradour-sur-Glane: Martyred Village (The visible remains of Nazi brutality).
During the Warsaw Uprising in August 1944, more than 85% of Warsaw's historic centre was destroyed by Nazi troops.
Santa Klaus's city? When the tide of war turned against the Axis powers, Russia told the Finns to expel the Germans; as the German army departed in October 1944, they burned Rovaniemi to the ground. The residents had already been evacuated, many to Sweden, an arduous process in which 279 died.Dec 19, 2018.
It's possible they will use a tact nuclear weapon against Iran. -- Norman Finklestein.
Laura, I'm afraid I could barely get past the first sentence. This read like a Corbyn-like attack: 'Israel's genocide'. The history of the Middle East is hugely complicated. To begin to understand the latest appalling conflict you have to have a more than superficial understanding of the history of both peoples and how and why Israel came into being, but obviously this is your Substack, not mine, so I won't write about it here. I'm just troubled by how quickly sympathy for the unlawful massacre of Israeli citizens and foreign residents has turned into attacks on Israel, satirical or direct, with the return of the default attitude: 'poor, oppressed Palestinians good, aggressive powerful Israelis and their supporters bad.' Satire is a brilliant tool when it's used well but it has to be more than a parade ground for prejudice and stereotyping. I won't unsubscribe yet because I've loved all your pieces up till these latest ones on the Middle East, but please think carefully about what you write on this subject, specifically who you want to offend and even more importantly why.
Given the very questionable facts around the Hamas invasion ( IDF nowhere to be seen, either near the border or for hours afterwards- most dispatched to the West Bank), the silence of the 'impregnable' iron dome, the Egyptian warnings of something 'big' afoot in Gaza ignored, is it too much of a stretch to question who exactly enacted the 'unlawful massacre'? This looks like a planned operation, and more so everyday! We have seen opposing sides collaborating many times. Not least on January 6th 2021.
This sounds like conspiracy theory to me. Israel is bad but not that bad. Anyway, there is no doubt that Hamas committed the massacre. Beyond that, it's all harmful soeculation
Applause for another brilliant column, @Laura K. You raised so many points, all of which have "struck home" (or would have, if Tories had any vestige of a conscience).
<< We are also going to update The Equality Act to make opposing genocide a form of racism. >>
Sadly, this might actually happen! If Trump and the ReThuglicans regain control, it WILL happen in the USA.
I am also distressed by the way Western media (particularly Right-wing media) spread unconfirmed reports (e.g., that Hamas beheaded forty babies: cf., Here in the USA, we have a proud history with "facts" -- e.g., that Sadaam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction." [Please don't mention that we haven't found any. Only twenty years have passed since we destroyed Iraq, and surely something will turn up somewhere...]
I frequently listen to "News Hour" on the BBC. Sadly, I rarely hear much coverage of Ukraine, because the conflict in Israel has received a disproportionate amount of air time since 7 October.
This is why I do not consent to the psychopathic legal/governmental system. At all. I stand sovereign on Ethical ground. Nothing in that legal system applies to Me.
I Do Not Consent! (article):
Under Duress Only (article):
Walking the Walk (article):
Walking the Walk Some More (article):
I was wondering if this was some cunning master plan by the USA. Given their love of regime change on the flimsiest of excuses or even complete lies are they enticing Israel to give them an excuse to invade?. Two carrier fleets off the Palestinian coast, makes you think! PS To do this may require a side deal with Hezbollah but as we know the Yanks will do anything for a bit of dessert, oil, and munitions order.
Schrödinger may or may not be turning in his grave, no one knows .. I only recently discovered that Hannah Arendt was horrendously racist, but my philosophical equivocations aside, thank you for the killing jokes. It really is the only way I can cope with the bucketload of bloody grommets we call politicians. Are there enough lampposts on the Embankment for them all to swing from? Just asking..
I particularly like the 'gaming' speak of our representative genocidal warmongers:
Rishi Sunak - "we want you to win" (Israeli's to win obvs)
Biden - the bomb that landed on the hospital, "came from the other team"
This helps us to understand that the killing of 1000s of children is quite good fun.
Continue venting. Does us good too. Thanks
The sheer inhumanity on display in the Western world is disgusting. The US will continue to supply the genocidal Israeli government with weapons. It's almost as if the US has a racism problem🧐 Nah😕 Couldn't be…
Zionists are just taking things to a new level these days.
You always nail it on the head.
Hello Laura,
Your sarcasm is noted. Genocide is a bit strong. Were the Jews intent on genocide, they'd know from experience how to go about it. In fact,the term was first used, albeit retrospectively, to describe what happened to Jews in WW II. Not only that, in all the definitions of genocide, there is an element of intent. Don't confuse genocide with what Israel is doing. Look to Rwanda for histories latest example of actual genocide. In the space of about 100 days in 1994, 800,000 (75%) of the Tutsi tribe was removed from that land by the Hutus. Not by expulsion, but by slaughter.
At the time, the Hutus had both the intent and the means. In Israel, Hamas has the intent, but not the means. The Jews have the means but not the intent.
A week ago scholars warned of a potential genocide in Gaza --
The Israeli government has already said they plan to wipe them out, so they do indeed have both the means and the intent. There's an open field day on killing Palestinians in the West Bank as well.
With almost constant bombing for two weeks, no drinkable water, no food, no medicines, etc. you have to give the Israelis time, Jamie. It hasn't been 100 days yet.
It's genocide 🤡
Read: Investigative history sifts hard fact from the decade's rumors and half-confirmed reports about Israel's nuclear weapons program. The result is a convincing description of nuclear capacity sought from the very beginning of the new state and achieved while Americans pretended ignorance or provided indirect assistance.
Hersh argues that it is virtually certain that Israel received accelerated aid from the United States during the 1973 Yom Kippuf War by "nuclear blackmail," i.e., threatening to use nuclear weapons against the Arab foes.
The Samson Option (Hebrew: ברירת שמשון, b'rerat shimshon) is the name that some military analysts and authors have given to Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against a country whose military has invaded and/or destroyed much of Israel.
Commentators also have employed the term to refer to situations where non-nuclear, non-Israeli actors have threatened conventional weapons retaliation, such as Yasser Arafat. The end result would destroy much of the planet's landscape if not planet Earth as a whole.
The name is a reference to the biblical Israelite judge Samson who pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself and thousands of Philistines who had captured him, crying out "Let me die with the Philistines!" (Judges 16:30).
David’s Sling (Hebrew designation: Magic Wand) is an Israeli air and missile defense system designed to defeat short-range ballistic missiles, large-caliber rockets, and cruise missiles.
Video footage of beams of light pulsing through the night sky prompted speculation about the potential use of a new weapon in the Israel-Hamas war — the Iron Beam.
"Breaking: Israel activates new energy based iron beam system in taking out missles (sic) heading towards Tel Aviv," read the caption of an Oct. 15 Instagram video. The beams appear to strike two targets in quick succession, then a third.
After showing footage of beams striking targets in the sky, the video explains how the Iron Beam works.
The Iron Beam will be the first of its kind and will add to Israel’s defense system. But based on available information, it’s not clear whether the weapon is ready for use or being used.
These racists care about no other country or peoples.