American university students arrested for embarrassing Israel
This is definitely not cancel culture
In super-exciting news, the people who have unwaveringly backed Israel’s genocide from the start have proven they’re on the right side of history by sending masked cops to arrest students and professors who were committing the terrorist act of peaceful protest. Obviously, brutal crackdowns on academia are only bad when Iran or China do them, and in this case, should be applauded.
If you’re unclear why this is happening, Benjamin Netanyahu made a totally sane speech demanding the US crack down on peaceful protests that he doesn’t like. Netanyahu’s request came just days after Israel told the US to stop meddling in its internal affairs.
Personally, I think it’s brilliant the US constitution only applies until the president of a foreign country with a powerful lobbying group decides it’s inconvenient. At that point, you can shove your first amendment up your ass (that’s American for arse).
Not long ago, universities were talking about how important free speech on campus is, even if it’s speech normal people dislike. Emory University in Atlanta ignored those free speech values because they were intended to ensure Ben Shapiro would not be cancelled before he could explain why he hated the Barbie movie so much. Now that Ben has had his rant, free speech doesn’t matter any more.
Emory University sent armed enforcers into campus to fire rubber bullets and tear gas at the scariest people in America. The decision presumably had the approval of the US president who had spent the week smearing the protesters as anti-Semites. This is the standard tactic to delegitimise critics of Israel. I understand the president is now considering whether to stand by his original position or pretend he was on the students’ side all along. Given he tried to shake hands with a ghost recently, anything is possible with this man.
Among Emory’s targets was Noelle McAfee, chair of the university's philosophy department, who armed cops heroically captured without taking casualties. Honestly, these men are as brave as the IDF soldiers who try on women’s underwear before setting their houses on fire. Footage clearly showed the unarmed, middle-aged white woman being cuffed by a masked man was Hamas.
You will be relieved to hear three super-brave cops felt the need to tase a student who they had pinned down and cuffed. They then knelt on his back. Ordinarily, they would have knelt on his throat, but they wanted to show restraint to make it clear they’re the good guys. If you know anything about history, you know cops who are violent towards students protesting war are always on the right side of it.
A total of 93 thought criminals were taken hostage at the Emory crackdown, presumably to be re-educated in room 101. Reassuringly, many of the hostages were taken away in unmarked vans so no one has a clue what is happening to them. Basically, they’re getting the Palestine treatment, but we in the media will ignore it because they’re all terrorists or something.
Other universities across the US have also taken their fair share of hostages. It’s hoped that mass arrests, along with the TikTok ban, will endear young people to Israel and help them realise genocide is just as woke as they are. If not, their lives will be destroyed because it’s only what they deserve.
Any students or professors who have evaded capture can stop being smug because Israelis say they will use facial recognition technology to ensure they are unemployable, which I’m sure you will agree, is a brilliant justification for the existence of facial recognition technology. I bet you’re super-comfortable with cameras scanning your face without your consent now, aren’t you? Israel’s sack-anyone-who-disagrees-with-us machine is about to get at least 1000% more efficient. What do you mean this sounds like one of those terrifying dystopias science-fiction warned us about? All you have to do is comply with the death cult and it will spare you x
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This is what happens to a failing state. More military actions by the police, authorized by the government, to include spying on everyone, everywhere. The government institutions in the U.S. are now in paranoid mode because these old guys remember the riots and protests from the late 1960's and early 1970's. They don't want that again. The status quo must be maintained for the rich elites. Meanwhile, the federal government is paying off its debt to the military industrial complex with this latest war funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Much to the consternation of the PRC and the Russians. Israel is dancing with glee on the mass graves of the Palestinians over the prospect of more toys to wipe out the rest of the Palestinians from Gaza in Rafah, before regrouping in the West Bank. Their next. But, as one person told me today, because Israel did not make any 'formal' statements declaring that they would be committing genocide on the Palestinians, they aren't legally committing genocide, despite all of the dead and buried with gun shots to the head, while zip tied with obvious torture wounds. Some were even buried alive but those are not war crimes, according to Israel.
This is what the Biden government is supporting. This is what the students are protesting and now, being arrested for, despite any lack of evidence of violence or hate speech. The constitution is just a piece of old paper for everyone to look at now in the Smithsonian. That and the amendments for civil rights are only for marketing purposes to tell the world how great the United States is. Come visit but don't stay, especially if you have brown or really dark skin. The average American citizens only have civil rights as long as they do as their told. If they look at any authority figures cross-eyed (police and public figures), they are arrested quickly. Your basic privileges will be taken away. This is the United States now. Toe the government line or else suffer the consequences. It's amazing what a PR spin can make the world believe when you own all of the major mainstream media.
Democrats liove talking about Russian interference, but never want to talk about Israeli interference at every level of government, state and federal.