BBC guest proves there is no famine in Gaza by citing... a YouTube video
She skilfully ignored all YouTube videos that showed the opposite
A BBC guest cited a YouTube video to prove there is no famine in Gaza, during a controversial appearance on Question Time. The comments from IDF supporter Melanie Phillips have caused outrage among those who want to undermine Israel’s propaganda.
Author Monisha Rajesh once described Melanie as “one of the most Islamophobic, hateful columnists in existence”, but Melanie blushed and thanked her for the compliment.
For some reason, social media users reacted with outrage that someone with standard Tory views would be allowed on the BBC while pro-Palestinian voices are treated like they don’t exist.
In response to the controversy, the BBC explained that people who are vaguely left-wing like Owen Jones are too extreme for Question Time. Lefties are only allowed to have representatives like Ayesha Hazarika who despise the left and everything they stand for.
Obviously Melanie, who wrote a book entitled “Londonistan” and was praised by Anders Breivik, is right up the BBC’s street. Two of Melanie’s columns were cited in Breivik’s manifesto and I can only assume she sees this as one of her finest achievements.
Melanie, a columnist for The Times and The Jerusalem Post, is exactly the type of neutral voice we need to help us find alternative facts. She explained all the Gaza markets are stocked with food, but people are going hungry because Hamas is hijacking aid trucks and stealing all the food.
Melanie completely failed to see the contradiction and so should you. Just stick to the narrative, no matter how fucking stupid it makes you sound. Queues of aid trucks at the Gaza crossing do not go back miles and all the markets are definitely not piles of rubble. If you’ve encountered images or videos suggesting otherwise, they are fakes created by the software Kate Middleton uses to edit her photos.
The trick to making people believe you is to talk with absolute confidence because only irrational people consider they could be wrong. Melanie gave a brilliant performance in which she lied which such authority that everyone in the audience who didn’t laugh believed her. Honestly, the BBC should give her a job as a newsreader.
Melanie said:
“Let me just take you through one or two points that [Stephen Flynn] has said. He says that the Gazans are being denied by Israel access to food and humanitarian supplies. This is completely untrue.”
An IDF spokesman, who spent last week shooting people standing in aid queues, has confirmed Melanie is absolutely right, but sadly, some of the people on Question Time disagreed with her. Even Fiona Bruce. I’m so disappointed in her.
Fiona pointed out the United Nations and UNICEF are saying children are dying of starvation, but thankfully, Melanie had an ace up her sleeve. She reminded everyone that UNRWA is Hamas, even though all the countries that suspended funding to UNRWA now agree UNRWA is not Hamas.
Unfortunately, Fiona wouldn’t let it lie and pointed out the World Health Organisation, and even EU humanitarian chiefs who had previously supported genocide, are now saying Israel is starving people. Thankfully, Melanie is better informed than all those organisations because she saw a YouTube video from a Mossad sock puppet.
She explained:
“You can go on YouTube… and see pictures of the stocked food markets in Gaza. Why are you laughing? Because it’s outrageous. Have you seen them?”
Melanie accepts anything she sees on the internet that supports her world view and disregards anything that proves the opposite. This is why she is an outstanding critical thinker, and if you are one of the people who laughed at her, you are an idiot.
Melanie knows there can’t possibly be hunger in Gaza because her selective memory has erased all the kids who look like skeletons draped in cloth, and the 25 kids who’ve already starved to death, and everyone in Gaza who is sleeping in a tent (which is everyone).
Please understand, Melanie didn’t make her comments on Question Time out of ignorance. She actually made them out of malice. Don’t worry though, Michael Gove won’t be classing her as an extremist. He will reserve that label for all the people who think those children should be fed x
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Assange is Hamas! 'Assange is being held, without charge, at his Majesty’s pleasure in brutal solitary confinement in a maximum security prison called Belmarsh in the UK because little Rishi Sunak and his fellow lapdogs in the litter do as they are told by the US because they know what’s good for them and they might get a biscuit. The US in turn is very pissed off that Assange revealed their war crimes.'