Sometimes something happens that knocks you sideways and shakes up your entire reality because you can’t begin to fathom how it happened. Today is one of those days because - you’re gonna wanna sit down for this one - the IDF has not told the truth about something.
Remember that story they told you about the Hamas data centre being located directly below UNRWA HQ? Well, it turns out they’d accidentally made that one up.
Remember how they said the tunnel leading to the server room ran below a UN school? Well, it turns out they’d accidentally made that one up too… because they wanted an excuse to blow up UN buildings and schools.
Obviously, these were honest mistakes made with the best of intentions so we should cut the IDF some slack. If you wanted to destroy UN buildings and schools, you would probably make things up too.
We should also cut the journalists (who unquestioningly reported Israel’s claims, despite never being shown the alleged data centre) some slack, because the IDF previously had a 100% honesty rate, if you discount all the times it lied.
Those journalists were shown a tunnel somewhere under the city and just because that tunnel was not where it was supposed to be and didn’t lead to any of the things Israel said it led to is any reason to question the story.
A good journalist never questions what they are told. If you are shown a tunnel, that is all the proof you should need because the IDF never lies and tunnels are worse than genocide.
In an effort to be transparent with the media, Israel drilled a hole down from UNRWA HQ so they could show journalists it led to the Hamas data centre. (Let’s not mention they had to drill a hole because there were no entrances to the alleged Hamas tunnel network.)
Sadly, the drilled hole never led to a data centre or tunnel network so Israel told the journalists they can’t go down there and should take their word for it. This is because it’s important to keep journalists safe…. from the truth.
Israel then spliced a video to prove the hole led to a Hamas battery room under UNRWA HQ, but what they actually showed was footage of the basement of UNRWA HQ. This is a bit like the time Israel pretended the hospital basement was Hamas HQ. Obviously, war is chaos and it’s easy to see how someone could have accidentally spliced footage together and lied about it.
Thankfully, Israel proved this “battery room” powered Hamas HQ (which isn’t actually there or anywhere, it seems) by showing the world that it contained cables.
In case you didn’t know, the only reason the basement of a building could possibly contain cables is to power a secret underground Hamas base. But surprisingly, these cables were simply used to power the UNRWA building and nothing to do with Hamas.
I’m confused too. Was I somehow deceived by Israel’s propaganda efforts again? Is my judgement not as flawless as, I, a sensible establishment journalist, thought it was? This is almost as shocking as the time the former editor of the Jewish Chronicle called me an anti-Semite because I said I wouldn’t sleep with him x
Thank you so much for letting me vent! If you enjoyed this article, you can buy me a coffee below or simply share this article with a friend. It helps me more than you realise x
That's a bit like when I accidentally told a girlfriend that I was veteran SAS soldier who had served in Afghanistan, had been awarded the George Cross for bravery, and was now a multi-millionaire businessman with an extraordinarily large penis. When I had actually worked in McDonalds for ten years, been awarded a second star to wear on my uniform, and I was receiving treatment for erectile dysfunction. It was an easy mistake to make.
all basement cables are hamas cables x