Israel says it's only bad to use hospitals as bases when Hamas does it
It's totally fine for the IDF to do the same
Israel has confirmed it’s only bad to use hospitals as military bases when Hamas does it. When we are pretending Hamas is hiding inside a hospital, it’s a crime so grave the IDF has no choice but to throw doctors and patients into mass graves.
Hamas’ non-presence in hospitals was so outrageous the IDF was forced to plant a bag of weapons behind an MRI machine to frame them, but it’s totally fine for the IDF to park their tanks on hospital grounds, so that’s exactly what they’ve been doing. What do you mean, every accusation is a projection?
The IDF is using the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital in Gaza as a military base, but the damage is so bad, it has to do some building work first. It’s unclear why the damage is so bad because Israel would never bomb a hospital, apart from all the times it has done exactly that.
The Geneva Conventions state using hospitals to heal the sick and wounded is an act of terrorism and anyone on a life support machine is a human shield. I can only assume such terrorism was taking place at the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital, in which case, thank god it has been shut down. We won’t have peace in the Middle East until every hospital in Gaza is turned into an IDF base.
I’m sure the International Court of Justice is impressed with Israel’s compliance with international law here. Israel always tries its hardest to comply with international law.
It has been revealed that Israel has accidentally attacked humanitarian aid a total of 80 times since January which, let’s be honest, is an easy mistake to make. Every time I see a truck carrying food or medicine, it takes everything I have not to take my rocket launcher from my purse and blow that thing to smithereens. I know you all feel the same.
IDF soldiers are so disciplined they’ve been filming themselves playing on rocking horses, unloading their guns at mosques, flattening all of eastern Khan Younis with explosives, and firing white phosphorous munitions on civilian areas to get likes on TikTok.
Zionist TikTok loves this kind of thing. They’re going to be so upset when their favourite app is banned to stop #FreePalestine from trending, aren’t they?
The IDF’s social media game is about as ethical as Isaac Herzog making up a propaganda story about Shani Louk to justify murdering 40,000 civilians. It’s perfectly reasonable to murder 40,000 civilians if you pretend a dead girl was beheaded to manipulate public opinion. This is the kind of lie only the purest of minds would think of. Thank god for the good guys (heart emoji).
The World’s Most Normal Army™ has been air dropping leaflets into Gaza, accusing toddlers of being Hamas and ordering them to contact the IDF to “save themselves” from the IDF.
Israel has only the best of intentions because when those kids get a little older, they tend to commit war crimes like fetching water, leaving bored Israeli snipers with no choice but to shoot them. If they want to safely hydrate themselves, they should try drinking from a tap like customers of South West Water.
We’re much more civilised in this part of the world, thanks to our western democratic values. This is why the NYPD has been dragging Nakba 76th Anniversary marchers from the crowd and punching them on the ground at the request of the pro-Israel billionaires who turned university libraries into police stations after bullying Mayor Eric Adams on WhatsApp.
Whatever you do, do not suggest Zionists wield undue influence over western civilisation though. That would be hateful of you x
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😤 Israel.
Most Israelis and all Zionists notoriously don't "do" irony or sarcasm - both of which require the ability to see cognitive dissonance / disconnects / contradictions / double standards / jaw-dropping hypocrisy etc.
Perhaps Google Translate could devise a translate option for irony-blind Israelis/Zionists which would insert the letters 'I' for Ironic and/or the letter 'S' for Sarcastic(or even Sardonic) at the appropriate ironic/sarcastic/sardonic points in any text submitted for an irony-highlighting translation and as a comprehension aid for the ironically-challenged of this world.
I mean - what's the use of a perfectly translated irony-filled text if the reader and recipient can't see or do irony in any language ?
Paul G