I was browsing articles and suddenly there was this witty piece so unlike your typical American straightforward rhetorical bulldozers. Then I realised it's from the small island and everything came together.
What really is hilarious is that it's a disaffected, Republican, yoof, who did the shooting, (Not very well by all accounts). The fact that it wasn't lefties is irrelevant to the God fearing masses of the good old US of A!
A registered Republican who had once given $15 to a Democrat political action committee. He could be the American kid, which means it's way more important he had an AR-15 in his possession before ever actually being able to vote because American priorities are totally the best.
He DID register as a ReThuglican. He also donated $15 to Act Blue, which is NOT a DemocRat PAC. ActBlue also funnels money to various environmental causes. Given the likely intelligence (sarcasm) of the shooter, he may have thought a donation to ActBlue was "patriotic."
All that said, I agree with you COMPLETELY: << it's way more important he had an AR-15 in his possession before ever actually being able to vote because American priorities are totally the best. >> I'm not sure when he acquired the weapon, but the voting age is now 18. Who knows? But how ironic that the party that insists people have the right to own such weapons nearly lost their stand-bearer to someone using one!
Not trying to split hairs but I did read a couple of news reports that ActBlue is a Democrat PAC. And since I just read this online without doing any fact-checking of the totally reliable legacy media it must therefore be totally true. I'm not American but I'm smart, therefore you should just agree with me. I mean it's not called ActRed. The end 😉
WRONG: << ActBlue is not run by the official Democratic Party or any other organization. We are a mission-based organization; only Democrats and progressive organizations (not Republicans) can use our tools. We are an independent nonprofit with an executive board. >> From their website
Right. Once you donate to anything listed with ActBlue, you will be inundated with emails, texts, phone calls from Democrats begging you to donate to their campaign war chests. ActBlue is just another PAC/Super PAC type organization dressed up not to look like a DNC fundraising arm.
No he's right. They drive me nuts. Absolutely nuts. I have to shut them down sometimes because I get so many emails and texts. And don't get me wrong. I love my Party but them are downright obnoxious at times!! They try to shame you into donating. I got mad one day and yelled at them. Lol I'm a Senior on a fixed income. Yes I'm a Political Activist and I work part-time but I'm sure as hell not rich!! Grrrrr. 😟😳🤣
WRONG: << ActBlue is not run by the official Democratic Party or any other organization. We are a mission-based organization; only Democrats and progressive organizations (not Republicans) can use our tools. We are an independent nonprofit with an executive board. >> From their website
Lenny, I'm confused by what you're trying to say here. I'm not American and maybe I don't understand PACS. The example you use seems to contradict the very point the rest of us are making: "only Democrats and progressive organizations (not Republicans) can use our tools."
I'm actually writing about this, and every single media outlet I look up is calling ActBlue a "pro-Democrat PAC" or words to that affect. I looked up their About page and I don't see how anyone could conclude anything else.
Is Wikipedia wrong here?:
ActBlue Charities Inc.[1] is an American political action committee and fundraising platform established for serving left-leaning and Democratic nonprofits and politicians.[2]
Or to put it another way, what wording would satisfy you? Journalists, after all have to write in shorthand. I look forward to your reply.
You're kinda dense, aren't you. Just because they say they're not run by the "official Democratic Party" doesn't mean that they're not one of the largest processors of Democratic and left-leaning causes. They're sure not processing donations for Trump or other Republicans, right?! You seem to lack critical thinking skills.
Did you see a picture of the guy? That’s the face of a 52 IQ. he was not acting alone if he was, it’s magical he found the right building at the right moment with the right line of site. Or if there was only one building (as the reports indicate), it was not otherwise properly being covered by the SS.
Actually reports sayhe was intelligent and a good student. He was mercilessly bullied by stupid mean brats and was probably enraged and suicidal. Maybe thought he'd make a name for himself on his way out. All very sad.
Crooks could also be a Lee Harvey Oswald type strawman/patsy. One of the government snipers has said he had the assassin in his sights minutes before the shooting happened but was told to stand down by his superiors. Hmmm. This case is far from open and shut. Trump picking someone real like JDVance just made his candidacy much more interesting. This attempt on Trump will be much harder to paper over than the governments murder of JFK. Whatever the lying MSM tells us should be taken with a shaker of salt.
Remember back when Democrats urged their voters in swing states to register as Republicans to thwart Trump in primaries? That's what that kid was. A Democrat so anti-Trumpic that he went on to "undermine him from within".
No, I never heard about that. I don’t stay close to the MSM. But I did notice in the articles that Republicans have done the same thing- Nixon’s people and Limbaugh. But I think it’s ridiculous to imagine that this gun nut was a Democrat who engaged in “strategic voting”.
This nut donated to Democrat cause, participated in a Democrat-promoted subversion ops and then shot the very same candidate Democrats were painstakingly campaigning against. I understand that his nominal connection to GOP will be now desperately used as part of damage control, but it's pretty clear.
Also, he can't shoot, that's also a giveaway. Despite being given the perfect opportunity didn't train even nearly enough to score. Went for it without scope, which means very basic rifle knowledge, and kept shooting around the target, unable to deal with recoil, nerves and rage. For actual Republicans youth, see Kyle Ritterhouse.
Yes. Yes. And yes. Tell it as it is. Suddenly these slimy puppets are all thinking it could happen to them too. Narcissists only care about themselves. What a fantastic idea to bring about true democracy with crowd funded drones - as war criminal G W Bush said: 'we will smoke them out'.
Yes, completely nailed the hypocrisy of the political establishment on this one, Laura. Sending 500lb bombs to kill Palestinian women and children just doesn’t count as political violence and what do we hear … silence.
Mack...I feel you. I'm going to make a serious attempt at a deep dive into NFL football come autumn. I feel so freaking alienated from US culture that I'm grasping for a handhold where I can relate to the shit show here in the land of lies and the murderous. I recently subscribed to the Tucker Carlson Network and besides a great interview with Putin, he has a long winded, intelligent conversation with local football great, Aaron Rodgers. I could do without the militaristic overflights at game time but...so it goes.
I used to enjoy playing tennis but developed a bad case of old man, fugged shoulder syndrome.
T. Carlson gave an in-depth interview with Putin demonstrating Putin's intelligence and humanity. Can you find one other instance where an American has shown that Putin is human and NOT the monster he's been portrayed as? TC is NOT at Fox anymore. Can you imagine Trump or FJB giving an off the cuff history lesson of their country like Putin did?
err Mack.. the 'joker' was presumably Djokovic (the greatest player of all time according to grand slam wins) playing a few weeks after knee surgery; who allegedly had his head handed to him.
Alcaraz, very young and extremely talented, is emulating his great inspiration, Rafa Nadal, very well but is yet to take his crown off his head or match his achievements.
Agreed it was a bit premature- but he’s one 4 of the last 7 which I believe is faster than anyone has- and he’s only 21. But yes Rafa has twenty something titles, so young Carlos has a ways to go. I’m thinking poor Rafa may be done soon. Watching film a few years back on Rafa’s training regime, I wondered why he punished himself so much and didn’t appear to take many longer breaks. Maybe it caught up w him.
I think it was fake for just this 'we're all MAGA now' response. Snipping ears with nail scissors makes lots of blood and Trump wasn't worried he was just pumping his fist for the memes and loving it.
I’m convinced of this. There’s no reason to believe he was shot at all. The blood trick is Stagecraft 101, and “look at the guy on the roof” is Magic Tricks 101, where you learn that you can openly do anything at all with your left hand if you create a distraction with your right. He’s the world’s biggest coward; if this had been real he would have hit the floor whimpering and pushed that lady SS agent in front of him.
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie. An ad announcing a murder is placed in the local paper of Chipping Cleghorn leading to the villagers gathering in the living room at Little Paddocks. At 7 ‘o’ clock exactly the lights go out, the door bangs open, a man waves a torch about and Letitia Blacklock is shot at.
What actually happened is that Miss Blacklock had slipped out and shot and killed the foreigner (who had tried to blackmail her and who she’d paid to stage the ‘hold up’). She then fired some shots at where she’d been standing and nicked her ear with a pair of nail scissors making lots of blood drip down the front of her dress. She then slipped back in as the lights came on.
I guess you missed the picture from the NY Times photographer — definitely not an outlet that favors Trump — which got the bullet as it passed by him. Also, I'm sure that the fire chief who was killed, as well as the two others who were shot, gladly participated in this "false flag" conspiracy — not to mention the shooter himself, who was killed — just so there could be a "we're all MAGA now" moment. Are you so devoid of critical thinking skills that you can't see how ridiculous you sound?! SMDH!
Sacrificing innocent people is standard practice in these all-too-common scenarios. It convinces (gullible) people that it was real. The “wamn” moment is being touted as a slam-dunk for Trump’s election (as stupid as that makes Americans sound) so yes, I’m quite sure that his evil puppet masters would do anything - anything! - to make that moment happen. I’m certainly not saying that I know what happened, but I know from multiple past events that the official narrative should be questioned.
Rudi Scherz didn't gladly accept being shot at as part of the 'false flag' conspiracy by Miss Blacklock, he knew nothing about it, though he still ended up dead.
I guess some people just accept things at face value.
I don't think it was a setup. I think dump didn't think it was a bullet because it just grazed his ear. That's why it didn't panic him. A kid just happens to be on a roof with an AK47?
Trump didn’t think it was a bullet nor did he panic even though there were loud bangs, people shouting ‘he’s got a gun’ and the CIA were trying to wrestle him to the ground?
Too funny!! Well seeing as how my Maga Mom and I watched it happen in real time and I had to bite my tongue several times, this has been fun this morning. I have little empathy for Trump. He brought it all on himself in my opinion.
Yeah, it couldn't POSSIBLY be the rhetoric from the left for the last few years, stating how Trump is worse than Hitler, that he's the biggest threat to "democracy," and should be stopped AT ALL COSTS! None of that could have played into ANY of this, right?! How can there be so many folks on one thread who totally lack any critical thinking skills?! It's almost unbelievable! SMDH!
Well? How else would you make America great again? You've gotta get rid of them top tier politicians Trump, Biden, Obomber, Killary, oh sorry Hillary Clinton - we came, we saw, he died - that one. If they're so proud of dealing death, then surely they should be happy to receive it back in return. Or do you think one lone nutcase with a gun is worse than organised destruction of the Middle East? Or Serbia? Or supporting Ukraine to the last Ukrainian - pretty sick stuff.
Sorry, but I actually DO live in America, and it doesn't make me queasy — after several years in the funeral business, and 23 years in the military, there's really nothing that could make me queasy — I'm just sad that there's clowns like you who encourage vigilante snipers to take out anyone who they don't agree with politically.
No, I know EXACTLY the world I live in! It's YOU — the brainwashed clown who thinks CA is the only place to live — who seems to think that the the left-leaning echo chamber is reality! SMDH!
Oh, wait.. are you a MAGA who's crying now because firearms are being used in some way you don't agree? Hahahaha.. I've got news, that emboldened of 2A you dumbfucks have been pushing for so long, is why so goddamn many of you are going to die when you and the police try to take major cities. Do you really not get how these realities are going to come upon you?
I've lived in many parts of this shit box nation, CA is the only one that will be functional in the coming years. You just apparently don't inform yourself very well. Not uncommon for liberal yt men
You must truly be a dumb mother fucked if you think the world wouldn't be better if someone dropped a Pinochet or Batista before they murdered hundreds/ thousands?
Look at you. So this world would've been so much better and hundreds thousand lives would've been saved if someone shot Biden before he sent arms to Ukraine and Israel? Because if we allow your logic, then it must be true.
Also, Biden hasn't explicitly said he's going to do ethnic cleansing in the US, like the SELF DESCRIBED DICTATOR has repeatedly. Like I've told too many oblivious,ignorant people of the privileged class lately their are many in this country who are, and will suffer at the hands of these fascists... while you people will no doubt fall right in line..
How other countries settle their political differences has absolutely nothing to do with encouraging vigilante snipers. I'm glad that clowns like you are in the small minority.
Look at you. So this world would've been so much better and hundreds thousand lives would've been saved if someone shot Biden before he sent arms to Ukraine and Israel? Because if we allow your logic, then it must be true.
Do you know how many times your government has either attempted, or completed assassination of leaders? How many decry that? The fact that a leader of the donor class in America got shot at is the only reason so many of you people seem to care.
Hey chief, you want a dictator, that's you. But, I understand the ramifications of what happens then. IF you actually were military, you should know, you've brought many of those dictatorships to nations around the world.
So, you're telling me that you're so brainwashed that you bought into the "dictator on day one," — referring to closing the border and ramping up energy production — to mean that he was gonna be a dictator for life?!
I don't care what anyone says, now that's funny right there! 🤣😂🤣
It's their entire platform, they've said what they plan to do. Either you don't read, or inform yourself on much. Hopefully you don't have anyone you know in a marginalized community, or they'll probably seem " brainwashed" when the time comes.
You must be a white dude. I get it, you'll just step in with the orders.. no chance you're affected negatively I'm sure. Lots of pieces of shit like you, who will ignore the camps. Either you weren't paying attention while tax dollars paid for your whole life in the military, or you're lying, because you must have learned at some point how this goes in dictatorships..?
this was a wonderful article, yes you hit the nail on the head, this is our rotten world
on the local news, the murder in Gaza was mentioned in passing, but the shooting of Trump was covered again and again and commentators stressed who shocked the were
This merits a Jamaican Blue Mountain brew at the very least. My no frills retirement after spending all my time in the Middle East not peddling oil companies and sovereign wealth funds constrain what I can offer but really you merit the best there is. For this one and all the posts I’ve read here in the belly of the beast.
Within minutes Netanyahu was on the phone, offering to carpet bomb the area to get the shooter. Biden declined, saying he had been 'neutralized'. But ha was unsure if it was one of Trump's 20 million illegal immigrants, the rapists, murderers, and insane.
Melania Trump once visited a migrant detention camp where kids were locked up in cages. Her T-shirt read “I really don’t care. Do you?” That worked for me when I heard the news.
Every paragraph is worth highlighting!
I was browsing articles and suddenly there was this witty piece so unlike your typical American straightforward rhetorical bulldozers. Then I realised it's from the small island and everything came together.
What really is hilarious is that it's a disaffected, Republican, yoof, who did the shooting, (Not very well by all accounts). The fact that it wasn't lefties is irrelevant to the God fearing masses of the good old US of A!
A registered Republican who had once given $15 to a Democrat political action committee. He could be the American kid, which means it's way more important he had an AR-15 in his possession before ever actually being able to vote because American priorities are totally the best.
He DID register as a ReThuglican. He also donated $15 to Act Blue, which is NOT a DemocRat PAC. ActBlue also funnels money to various environmental causes. Given the likely intelligence (sarcasm) of the shooter, he may have thought a donation to ActBlue was "patriotic."
All that said, I agree with you COMPLETELY: << it's way more important he had an AR-15 in his possession before ever actually being able to vote because American priorities are totally the best. >> I'm not sure when he acquired the weapon, but the voting age is now 18. Who knows? But how ironic that the party that insists people have the right to own such weapons nearly lost their stand-bearer to someone using one!
Not trying to split hairs but I did read a couple of news reports that ActBlue is a Democrat PAC. And since I just read this online without doing any fact-checking of the totally reliable legacy media it must therefore be totally true. I'm not American but I'm smart, therefore you should just agree with me. I mean it's not called ActRed. The end 😉
WRONG: << ActBlue is not run by the official Democratic Party or any other organization. We are a mission-based organization; only Democrats and progressive organizations (not Republicans) can use our tools. We are an independent nonprofit with an executive board. >> From their website
Well I was close. I just know they enjoy taking my money. Ha.
It's the fundraising arm of the Democrat Party. They process all the donations.
Right. Once you donate to anything listed with ActBlue, you will be inundated with emails, texts, phone calls from Democrats begging you to donate to their campaign war chests. ActBlue is just another PAC/Super PAC type organization dressed up not to look like a DNC fundraising arm.
No he's right. They drive me nuts. Absolutely nuts. I have to shut them down sometimes because I get so many emails and texts. And don't get me wrong. I love my Party but them are downright obnoxious at times!! They try to shame you into donating. I got mad one day and yelled at them. Lol I'm a Senior on a fixed income. Yes I'm a Political Activist and I work part-time but I'm sure as hell not rich!! Grrrrr. 😟😳🤣
I disagree.
WRONG: << ActBlue is not run by the official Democratic Party or any other organization. We are a mission-based organization; only Democrats and progressive organizations (not Republicans) can use our tools. We are an independent nonprofit with an executive board. >> From their website
Lenny, I'm confused by what you're trying to say here. I'm not American and maybe I don't understand PACS. The example you use seems to contradict the very point the rest of us are making: "only Democrats and progressive organizations (not Republicans) can use our tools."
I'm actually writing about this, and every single media outlet I look up is calling ActBlue a "pro-Democrat PAC" or words to that affect. I looked up their About page and I don't see how anyone could conclude anything else.
Is Wikipedia wrong here?:
ActBlue Charities Inc.[1] is an American political action committee and fundraising platform established for serving left-leaning and Democratic nonprofits and politicians.[2]
Or to put it another way, what wording would satisfy you? Journalists, after all have to write in shorthand. I look forward to your reply.
You're kinda dense, aren't you. Just because they say they're not run by the "official Democratic Party" doesn't mean that they're not one of the largest processors of Democratic and left-leaning causes. They're sure not processing donations for Trump or other Republicans, right?! You seem to lack critical thinking skills.
ActBlue also funnels donations to Democratic politicians. I have donated myself in the past.
Do a little research — it was his father who legally purchased the weapon, not the shooter.
Did you see a picture of the guy? That’s the face of a 52 IQ. he was not acting alone if he was, it’s magical he found the right building at the right moment with the right line of site. Or if there was only one building (as the reports indicate), it was not otherwise properly being covered by the SS.
Actually reports sayhe was intelligent and a good student. He was mercilessly bullied by stupid mean brats and was probably enraged and suicidal. Maybe thought he'd make a name for himself on his way out. All very sad.
Or it was “covered” exactly as planned.
has nothing to do with the patsy "shooter" who is under MKULTRA mind control...its radical left of course
It was a Trans woman.. not a man
Sorry .. Im not 💯 certain anymore. Everything was scrubbed ..
Crooks could also be a Lee Harvey Oswald type strawman/patsy. One of the government snipers has said he had the assassin in his sights minutes before the shooting happened but was told to stand down by his superiors. Hmmm. This case is far from open and shut. Trump picking someone real like JDVance just made his candidacy much more interesting. This attempt on Trump will be much harder to paper over than the governments murder of JFK. Whatever the lying MSM tells us should be taken with a shaker of salt.
Remember back when Democrats urged their voters in swing states to register as Republicans to thwart Trump in primaries? That's what that kid was. A Democrat so anti-Trumpic that he went on to "undermine him from within".
I don’t remember any such thing.
Try https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/democrats-open-primaries-trump-1.7046293 or https://www.westernjournal.com/democrats-admit-voting-republican-primaries-block-trumps-endorsements/ or any other source from 2022, really. They're in abundance.
No, I never heard about that. I don’t stay close to the MSM. But I did notice in the articles that Republicans have done the same thing- Nixon’s people and Limbaugh. But I think it’s ridiculous to imagine that this gun nut was a Democrat who engaged in “strategic voting”.
This nut donated to Democrat cause, participated in a Democrat-promoted subversion ops and then shot the very same candidate Democrats were painstakingly campaigning against. I understand that his nominal connection to GOP will be now desperately used as part of damage control, but it's pretty clear.
Also, he can't shoot, that's also a giveaway. Despite being given the perfect opportunity didn't train even nearly enough to score. Went for it without scope, which means very basic rifle knowledge, and kept shooting around the target, unable to deal with recoil, nerves and rage. For actual Republicans youth, see Kyle Ritterhouse.
Oligarchical Lives Matter
Yes. Yes. And yes. Tell it as it is. Suddenly these slimy puppets are all thinking it could happen to them too. Narcissists only care about themselves. What a fantastic idea to bring about true democracy with crowd funded drones - as war criminal G W Bush said: 'we will smoke them out'.
You reap what you sow.
Yes, completely nailed the hypocrisy of the political establishment on this one, Laura. Sending 500lb bombs to kill Palestinian women and children just doesn’t count as political violence and what do we hear … silence.
Jebus Crisco! You nailed it...game-set-match-you freakin' nailed it. Apologies to the Wimbledon crowd
where everyone gets to be rich and white for a day..or two.
Damit, leave the Lilly white game of tennis out of this! It’s my last vestige!
(joker had his head handed to him today. Alcaraz taking Rafa’s crown off his head quite nicely)
Mack...I feel you. I'm going to make a serious attempt at a deep dive into NFL football come autumn. I feel so freaking alienated from US culture that I'm grasping for a handhold where I can relate to the shit show here in the land of lies and the murderous. I recently subscribed to the Tucker Carlson Network and besides a great interview with Putin, he has a long winded, intelligent conversation with local football great, Aaron Rodgers. I could do without the militaristic overflights at game time but...so it goes.
I used to enjoy playing tennis but developed a bad case of old man, fugged shoulder syndrome.
Uh apologies mate. Anyone who gives Tucker Carlson one second of their time needs some serious blocking. Sayonara.
T. Carlson gave an in-depth interview with Putin demonstrating Putin's intelligence and humanity. Can you find one other instance where an American has shown that Putin is human and NOT the monster he's been portrayed as? TC is NOT at Fox anymore. Can you imagine Trump or FJB giving an off the cuff history lesson of their country like Putin did?
Interesting. New info for me.
I don't think there's a paywall for the Putin-Tucker interview. (link)
It's well worth the time and effort to listen...
err Mack.. the 'joker' was presumably Djokovic (the greatest player of all time according to grand slam wins) playing a few weeks after knee surgery; who allegedly had his head handed to him.
Alcaraz, very young and extremely talented, is emulating his great inspiration, Rafa Nadal, very well but is yet to take his crown off his head or match his achievements.
Agreed it was a bit premature- but he’s one 4 of the last 7 which I believe is faster than anyone has- and he’s only 21. But yes Rafa has twenty something titles, so young Carlos has a ways to go. I’m thinking poor Rafa may be done soon. Watching film a few years back on Rafa’s training regime, I wondered why he punished himself so much and didn’t appear to take many longer breaks. Maybe it caught up w him.
I think it was fake for just this 'we're all MAGA now' response. Snipping ears with nail scissors makes lots of blood and Trump wasn't worried he was just pumping his fist for the memes and loving it.
I don’t think he would agree to be shot at.
At risk to his life
Or a blood capsule 💊? ? ?
I’m convinced of this. There’s no reason to believe he was shot at all. The blood trick is Stagecraft 101, and “look at the guy on the roof” is Magic Tricks 101, where you learn that you can openly do anything at all with your left hand if you create a distraction with your right. He’s the world’s biggest coward; if this had been real he would have hit the floor whimpering and pushed that lady SS agent in front of him.
A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie. An ad announcing a murder is placed in the local paper of Chipping Cleghorn leading to the villagers gathering in the living room at Little Paddocks. At 7 ‘o’ clock exactly the lights go out, the door bangs open, a man waves a torch about and Letitia Blacklock is shot at.
What actually happened is that Miss Blacklock had slipped out and shot and killed the foreigner (who had tried to blackmail her and who she’d paid to stage the ‘hold up’). She then fired some shots at where she’d been standing and nicked her ear with a pair of nail scissors making lots of blood drip down the front of her dress. She then slipped back in as the lights came on.
Thanks for reminding me of that one! Yes!
It's a classic!
I guess you missed the picture from the NY Times photographer — definitely not an outlet that favors Trump — which got the bullet as it passed by him. Also, I'm sure that the fire chief who was killed, as well as the two others who were shot, gladly participated in this "false flag" conspiracy — not to mention the shooter himself, who was killed — just so there could be a "we're all MAGA now" moment. Are you so devoid of critical thinking skills that you can't see how ridiculous you sound?! SMDH!
Sacrificing innocent people is standard practice in these all-too-common scenarios. It convinces (gullible) people that it was real. The “wamn” moment is being touted as a slam-dunk for Trump’s election (as stupid as that makes Americans sound) so yes, I’m quite sure that his evil puppet masters would do anything - anything! - to make that moment happen. I’m certainly not saying that I know what happened, but I know from multiple past events that the official narrative should be questioned.
Yeah, the world is flat, we never really went to the moon, and 9/11 was an inside job, right? What are some of your other favorites?!
Some people’s world seems to be not just flat but one-dimensional.
Piss off if you don't want to debate.
Beginning to give high probability Joe is paid to push an agenda...
My thoughts exactly Amaterasu- Joe is a troll or bot.
There's really not much to debate with someone as detached from reality as you are. 🤷♂️
Rudi Scherz didn't gladly accept being shot at as part of the 'false flag' conspiracy by Miss Blacklock, he knew nothing about it, though he still ended up dead.
I guess some people just accept things at face value.
You don't seem to grasp sarcasm, do you?!
Do you think MAGAts has the capacity to write Trump's bizzare behavior "..let me find my shoe.."?
I would agree, except that both shooter and audience member died.
These little people are nothing to those in power. They wouldn't have thought twice about killing them- in fact their deaths make for even more drama.
Yeah, but how'd they get the kid to do it?
Identifying, targeting and manipulating the disaffected is their bread and butter.
We don’t know the kid did anything. He sounds like a setup.
The kid? Trump? He knew he wasn't in danger, these people are professionals.
I don't think it was a setup. I think dump didn't think it was a bullet because it just grazed his ear. That's why it didn't panic him. A kid just happens to be on a roof with an AK47?
Trump didn’t think it was a bullet nor did he panic even though there were loud bangs, people shouting ‘he’s got a gun’ and the CIA were trying to wrestle him to the ground?
Er no. A kid didn't just happen to be on roof with an AK47- that's the point.
God bless you, Laura, for speaking the truth fearlessly you are so brave ❤️🙏❤️
yes and helping us not get side-tracked. Her wit is humorous and yet sadly a statement of our times.
The hypocrisy of our kleptocracy is so glaring that I bet this satire practically wrote itself.
Ear ear!
Is this the infamous British humor I hear so much about?! Omg. I shouldn't be laughing but I am!! 🤣🤣🤣
Sure is! 👂👂
Too funny!! Well seeing as how my Maga Mom and I watched it happen in real time and I had to bite my tongue several times, this has been fun this morning. I have little empathy for Trump. He brought it all on himself in my opinion.
Yeah, it couldn't POSSIBLY be the rhetoric from the left for the last few years, stating how Trump is worse than Hitler, that he's the biggest threat to "democracy," and should be stopped AT ALL COSTS! None of that could have played into ANY of this, right?! How can there be so many folks on one thread who totally lack any critical thinking skills?! It's almost unbelievable! SMDH!
I’ve never heard anyone “on the left” say he should be stopped “at all costs”. You’re spreading inflammatory misinformation.
Here's an article about all of the ridiculous targeting of Trump through divisive rhetoric.
Check out my very badly-behaved and incredibly talented , passionate and poetic gay rock star stuff! http://steveswindells.substack.com
Like Reagan, a goddamn shame it wasn't on target. He'll sure be shitting his diapers every time there's a loud pop at least.
Yeah, that's always a good idea — to encourage insane shooters to improve their skills! Some of you folks are a few fries short of a Happy Meal. SMDH!
Well? How else would you make America great again? You've gotta get rid of them top tier politicians Trump, Biden, Obomber, Killary, oh sorry Hillary Clinton - we came, we saw, he died - that one. If they're so proud of dealing death, then surely they should be happy to receive it back in return. Or do you think one lone nutcase with a gun is worse than organised destruction of the Middle East? Or Serbia? Or supporting Ukraine to the last Ukrainian - pretty sick stuff.
But go on - do defend uncle Donald's ear.
You must not live America.. or shouldn't, if this makes you queasy my guy.
Sorry, but I actually DO live in America, and it doesn't make me queasy — after several years in the funeral business, and 23 years in the military, there's really nothing that could make me queasy — I'm just sad that there's clowns like you who encourage vigilante snipers to take out anyone who they don't agree with politically.
Authoritarian isn't "political disagreement " area. Do you honestly not understand the world that you live in?
No, I know EXACTLY the world I live in! It's YOU — the brainwashed clown who thinks CA is the only place to live — who seems to think that the the left-leaning echo chamber is reality! SMDH!
Oh, wait.. are you a MAGA who's crying now because firearms are being used in some way you don't agree? Hahahaha.. I've got news, that emboldened of 2A you dumbfucks have been pushing for so long, is why so goddamn many of you are going to die when you and the police try to take major cities. Do you really not get how these realities are going to come upon you?
I've lived in many parts of this shit box nation, CA is the only one that will be functional in the coming years. You just apparently don't inform yourself very well. Not uncommon for liberal yt men
You must truly be a dumb mother fucked if you think the world wouldn't be better if someone dropped a Pinochet or Batista before they murdered hundreds/ thousands?
Look at you. So this world would've been so much better and hundreds thousand lives would've been saved if someone shot Biden before he sent arms to Ukraine and Israel? Because if we allow your logic, then it must be true.
Also, Biden hasn't explicitly said he's going to do ethnic cleansing in the US, like the SELF DESCRIBED DICTATOR has repeatedly. Like I've told too many oblivious,ignorant people of the privileged class lately their are many in this country who are, and will suffer at the hands of these fascists... while you people will no doubt fall right in line..
Do you not understand, or care, what bigoted authoritarians do? Biden isn't one, which you seem to be ignoring
How other countries settle their political differences has absolutely nothing to do with encouraging vigilante snipers. I'm glad that clowns like you are in the small minority.
It does, but again, you'd know if you paid attention while on tax dollars furthering imperiosm..
Look at you. So this world would've been so much better and hundreds thousand lives would've been saved if someone shot Biden before he sent arms to Ukraine and Israel? Because if we allow your logic, then it must be true.
Do you know how many times your government has either attempted, or completed assassination of leaders? How many decry that? The fact that a leader of the donor class in America got shot at is the only reason so many of you people seem to care.
Netanyahu, yes. Maybe Biden.. but definitely Bibi.
Hey chief, you want a dictator, that's you. But, I understand the ramifications of what happens then. IF you actually were military, you should know, you've brought many of those dictatorships to nations around the world.
So, you're telling me that you're so brainwashed that you bought into the "dictator on day one," — referring to closing the border and ramping up energy production — to mean that he was gonna be a dictator for life?!
I don't care what anyone says, now that's funny right there! 🤣😂🤣
It's their entire platform, they've said what they plan to do. Either you don't read, or inform yourself on much. Hopefully you don't have anyone you know in a marginalized community, or they'll probably seem " brainwashed" when the time comes.
You must be a white dude. I get it, you'll just step in with the orders.. no chance you're affected negatively I'm sure. Lots of pieces of shit like you, who will ignore the camps. Either you weren't paying attention while tax dollars paid for your whole life in the military, or you're lying, because you must have learned at some point how this goes in dictatorships..?
this was a wonderful article, yes you hit the nail on the head, this is our rotten world
on the local news, the murder in Gaza was mentioned in passing, but the shooting of Trump was covered again and again and commentators stressed who shocked the were
What does "We're all MAGA now" mean? And is there any cure?
I'm afraid you'll need a vaccine. And possibly a booster by Nov...that's apparently when the sideshow stops.
For some reason, I keep imagining Pennywise the clown saying "We're all MAGA now. Everything down here is MAGA now"
This merits a Jamaican Blue Mountain brew at the very least. My no frills retirement after spending all my time in the Middle East not peddling oil companies and sovereign wealth funds constrain what I can offer but really you merit the best there is. For this one and all the posts I’ve read here in the belly of the beast.
Within minutes Netanyahu was on the phone, offering to carpet bomb the area to get the shooter. Biden declined, saying he had been 'neutralized'. But ha was unsure if it was one of Trump's 20 million illegal immigrants, the rapists, murderers, and insane.
Melania Trump once visited a migrant detention camp where kids were locked up in cages. Her T-shirt read “I really don’t care. Do you?” That worked for me when I heard the news.