Twats indeed.

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Another brilliant explanation of the perverts who run the place. It describes also the kind of person who can give moving speech’s about the poor and homeless but won’t open his palaces to house them. I suppose he’d leave to the perverts with dogs and horses to tear them to pieces and say, “jolly good!”

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Oh Laura...I had no idea this horror still went on. Sick perverts do prevail in this realm.

I had an office once where I had a view of a fox den. I watched 2 kits grow up ...they are such beautiful animals...this breaks my heart..

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I used to hunt sab when I was at university. The hunters and their supporters (including many police) were utter scum.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Laura K

Beautifully explained as usual 🤣

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Perish the Posh! People who have so much money that they don't know what to spend it on remind me of the cartoon seagulls in that children's film, Finding Nemo.

"Mine, mine, mine!" https://youtu.be/p-3e0EkvIEM?si=TEseYZ7h25KTgqk0

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Laura K

Absolutely on the button as usual. Great stuff. Keepn it up

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Oh Laura K I don't like fox hunts but I wish this was how all hunters had to dress worldwide so that I wouldn't have to share the road with Ford trucks with dual exhaust, swinging artificial testicles, a "Coal Keeps The Lights On" state license plate (they pay extra to have this) and a full color rear window sticker of a waving American flag with Trump dying on the cross and a sticker of Calvin pissing on someone, probably literacy or the entire civil rights movement. Men here are not secure enough in their masculinity to wear those outfits (truck testicles I tell you). And I think the reason they don't hunt foxes so much here is that AR-15s would basically be the equivalent of a laser cannon on something the size of a fox. Since cruelty is the point and they need to see what they've done this is why they have to hunt larger things so they can see the mess. Again some sort of exchange/cultural immersion program seems in order. We'll take your posh fancy pants hunters here in Kentucky and just set them in a rental hunting lodge sharing camp with truck testicle men and I'll send you reports and videos of how it's going. I think probably fancy pants will become the hunted in under 24 hours but I'm not certain and I don't like either group. It's like flavors of vomit, they're all bad. This could reduce the number of asshole hunters no matter who comes out on top.

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Oscar Wilde put in far better than me, the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.

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Spot on! They really are perverted to do this

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It's not just posh twats in fancy dress in the country who get hard-ons; it's posh twats dressed in their wife's kimonos who get a rise from beating to death urban foxes trapped in netting in their back garden in central London too. Of course that may be a one-off but snotty-nosed upper crusts do appear to have a peculiarly sadistic urge to to torture and torment bushy-tailed, red-haired canines for some reason. I suppose it's tradition innit. 'The working class oiks have got their cockerels and their pitbulls, us decent upper classes prefer to get our kicks on horseback, following the hounds chasing Mr Fox across the gorgeous English countryside which we either own or act like we bloody well own it.'

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Having ridden horses trained "hunter" style in an "English" saddle since my youth, I just ask you to not throw out one baby with the dirty bathwater that is fox hunts. Going over a nice-sized fence on a horse is better than drugs. Otherise fox hunts are like cosplay for the posh set.

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COSPLAY, really? Jeezo. Cosplay is nothing to do with inflicting immense pain and suffering onto innocent animals, it's about play acting, tearing foxes and indeed other innocent beautiful animals to pieces, while alive is not play acting to say the very least! It's very real, very cruel in the extreme, and those evil criminals perpetrating such crimes against animals would do the same to humans who they consider 'vermin', as they once did, if they could away with it!

These scum are barbaric, incredibly cruel, and use this incredibly cruel practise as a status symbol.

Also, those dogs are not treated well to say the very least, they are clearly starved for days before the 'hunt' and only fed if they tear foxes to pieces...dogs are not natural murderes of their own kind. I just think those dogs are likely abused...by starvation and will be given a kicking, no doubt kept in horrible barns, and of course bred only to kill. The folks taking part in these 'hunts' should be hunted, see how they like it.


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‘Laura’, your last sentences are correct. We’re now seeing, in Palestine and helpfully broadcast on our TV screens every night how tearing apart innocents boosts capitalism. Just like the shredded foxes, it’s what they would have wanted, to be sacrificed to the great god Mammon.

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Sounds like these blind officers are in cahoots with the pensioner beating brigade from the London Metropolitan PD! How much do tax payers via the crown pay to have police abuse the peasantry? Remember people we peasants and meager animals are undeserving of police assistance and protection. Criming is for the posh! Just ask Donald Trump 😂

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Zionists prefer hunting live children to foxes. Hope that doesn't catch on in Britain!

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023

Love your work Laura, you have the most charming wit. Out here in the Southwestern desert, there is not much game worth eating, but we do get javalina in the parts that have water. All my life,I've only Hunted for meat.

It makes me wonder about the rich needing excitement. How long will it be until hunting peasants for sport becomes stylish?

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