Just remember that the smell of feces is the smell of freedom and stop whining about it.

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Apparently there has to be a lot of sh*t in the water to be able to smell it. I talked to a water engineer, (we have those in Scotland as our water is not in private hands because the pesky SNP keep it that way) while on a wee walk along our local river in Edinburgh, and he was inspecting pipes, as you do. He said if there was a leak it would not smell because it's so diluted, though obviously not in the Thames in England. The Scottish Water engineer didn't find any leaks, phew, but maybe Thames water could employ him?

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Life hard by Lake Erie inures us tough guys to all manner of toxins. Up to a point. Not feeling so good today…..

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Stop it, your rivers burn

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Not anymore. But our lake is full of toxic blue-green algae blooms come summer.

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“To be safe, we’ve slipped a few ministers backhanders so they look the other way. It turns out buying politicians is much cheaper than investing in sewage treatment, so this is our key strategy for the next decade.”

That is where it's at. Many a true word spoken in jest!

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Corporations are predators. We need to get rid of all of them before they kill the rest of us😕

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It's Ok, AI and a few human slaves is all they need, so their plan is to depopulate the world or so I have heard. :-(

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Pretty much😕

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And you will have lots of horse many are to use in your window flower boxes!

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Yuk! ... how is it that the 99% are always OK with being abused ... until you tell them they are ... and then YOU'RE the enema(y) ... ONLY then do they find the energy, ways and means to ACT ... against the messengers! Sheesh.

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"It is easier to fool people than tell them they are being fooled."

Mark Twain

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How long will it take for these Thatcher heirs to blame Russia and its evil president?

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Laura, you are sooo naughty!

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ooooh! What a perfect sport for the world of today. And now you don't even have to go abroad to have a shitty time.

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In the same way that electricity suppliers can pay you not to use electricity when there is excessive demand, why can't the water companies pay you to not take a dump when heavy rain is forecast? I think this could really catch on, with minimal health risks, honest.

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You never heard this pearl of wisdom: "When ya gotta go, ya gotta go?”

At least that's how my plumbing works.

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LOL Hilarious!!

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E. Coli is one of the best perks of neoliberalism- so true. When capitalism is boiled down, it's what the kids say, eat shit and die. More of the warehoused living like mushrooms while the rich bastion themselves uphill.

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Basically, this post stinks!

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Hilariously shitty👍🏼

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“This is why I love capitalism, the bare minimum of safety standards become vague targets to aim for, as long as they don’t impact corporate profits.”

Let’s all fight corporate profits by upgrading to paid.

Don’t we all love our little Paradoxes?

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I'm told Netanyahu gargles with it to improve the smell of the shit he spews!

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Seriously funny. And a case study on why essential utilities must not be privatised.

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"Natural selection will take care of the snowflakes and the sturdier survivors can be conscripted for World War III. "

And there you have it--I knew the environmental degradation had an up side! The water will get so polluted that the survivors will be strong enough to withstand radiation and filth to fight in the apocalypse to come. We wouldn't the drones and AI 'bots to have all the fun, would we? SIGH.

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Very clever and spot on. My son has decided to leave England and move to Europe, as he sees no future with either the Tories or Labour. Thank goodness we brought him up to speak three languages fluently.

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