The former Israeli intelligence chief's statement that most of the Gaza inhabitants are Hamas, while not true on October 7th is going to become true, not because of what Hamas did, but rather because of what Israel is doing.

There is no essential difference between an ideology that refers to itself as the master race and one that refers to itself as god's chosen people. The adherents to such irrational beliefs tend to become human rights abusers.

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True. Hamas wanted recruits and supporters, now it has them.

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If the Palestinians were to lay down their arms we would have no more violence.

If the Israelis were to lay down their arms we would have no more Israelis.

For some people - Hamas obviously, but also a significant number of Palestinians - it is more important to keep slaughtering the ancestors of the benefactors of a historical injustice (people driven from their homes 75 years ago) than it is to get to work building a decent and peaceful society grounded in the positive aspirations of its people rather than the greed and resentment of its despots. Hamas needs war and destruction like you and I need air. They will never lay down their arms, hence the terrible loss of life, homes and and livelihood in Gaza now.

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Wow...what a dispicable excuse for a human being...

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The truth can be very painful.

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How would you know?

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Regarding that phrase, 'god's chosen' - which god, and chosen to do what I wonder.

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Apparently kill, kill, and kill some more...

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I actually don't think your fanatical blindness is due to a lack of intelligence. It's more like the situation where you meet a cult member who mixes an actual truth (in this case, innocents are dying in great numbers in Gaza) with an outright falsehood (Israel is a genocidal society whose policy aim is to kill every Palestinian in Gaza) and then refutes every challenge to the falsehood (Israel is committing genocide) by screaming louder and louder and louder about the part that is true (a lot of innocent Gazans are dying).

The key thing to notice is that you don't - because you can't - really defend the falsehood except to say that (like pretty much every human culture since time began) Jews think well of themselves. So did Nazis. QED, if you're an idiot. But I don't actually think you are stupid. I just think that you've been educated to see every political situation in the cartoon colors of oppressor/oppressed. It's very awkward for you that Hamas - officially on the oppressed side of the ledger! - happens to not only declaim their genocidal bona fides in their political charter but on October 7th proudly gave the world a psychopathic taste of their barbarism. To acknowledge who is actually genocidal in this situation is to bring your entire secular religion ("intersectionality") down in rubble. It's too painful, so people just shout louder and louder and hope that whatever is decent in them cannot prevail. People who say Israel is carrying out "genocide" and proclaiming "from the river to the sea" or insisting that October 7 was justified are people frantically drowning the voice of their own conscience. You have to in order to defend tyrannical psychopaths, which any honest person who has looked at October 7th can see is exactly what Hamas is.

Here is the Hamas charter. Anyone who can say without a trace of shame that Israel is the genocidal party in this conflict has a certain duty to read it:


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Spoken like a true white supremacist denier. I would expect nothing more than arrogant spewing of caustic bile from you.

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You do know that the overwhelming violence against Palestinians has been waged by Israel for decades, right?

This didn't start in October last year; this began in 1948...

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Oh boo-hoo. Hundreds of thousands of Jews and Arabs were violently displaced from their homes in 1948. Where are your tears for the victims who do not conform to your cartoon notions of good and evil? I have a theory: you’ve never read the Hamas charter. There is certainly no evidence in your actual posts to indicate otherwise. Invoking 1948 as if it proves something demonstrates your ignorance of history and your lack of common sense. You are an echoer of slogans, not a truth seeker.

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Boo-Hoo is right...

I feel the same way about Israeli victims on October 7th...

Good and evil do not exist, they are constructs of ideology...

Israel is the aggressor here, retaliation or not, they have gone way too far and, are committing an act of genocide and almost continual war crimes...

...we know this because they record themselves doing it and broadcast it for the world to see...

...or, maybe you'll tell us these are all fakes, by Hamas actors?

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You are a child: you see good and evil like a Disney cartoon - one side evil and oppressive, the other side blameless and oppressed.

People with two ounces of adult intelligence can see as obvious that in war atrocities are committed on both sides, and that moral thinking requires a grasp of this fundamental moral truth. Enjoy your comic books.

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You're a very sad excuse for a human being, but please, do rant on...

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I love your work. I think you may be suffering from the same affliction that troubles "The Onion". It is increasingly difficult to do farce or sarcasm in this world. Keep doing it.

Very best to you and yours.

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Exactly! When satire becomes impossible because reality is too much of a farce...

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Yep, the lies and manipulations and twisting of the facts... It works in a way. I find myself just turning off.

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I second your post, Casey., I love her work too.

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The rise in the efforts to stop ‘free speech’ across the world is terrifying.

We saw this only this week in the UK. First there were the efforts to stop a peace march on Remembrance Day. And then we saw orders by leaders of a political party to stop their politicians from voting freely about a ceasefire in P/tine. It was with horror that I saw many of these politicians carry out his orders. And voted the way Starmer wanted. But I’m glad to say that some did ignore him. And others resigned as their conscience wouldn’t allow them to work for a political party who would not tell the world that there should be a ceasefire, and wouldn’t condone being told how they should vote on something so important.

Whatever you feel about what’s happeneing in the Middle East, to ignore the increase in pressure to stop people saying what they feel is a very dangerous path to tread. What next? Being told not to express yourself about the environment? Or to aire a view about standards of care in schools, or medical facilities, or even political parties, or racism, or discrimination. Even our access to books, art, the media. These are to name but a few examples of what we could be giving up. This would inevitably leave us being just a hairs breath away from the dismantling democratic voting systems and democracy that our ancestors fought and died for.

Let us not forget those who died in WW2 to protect free speech, democracy and freedom. What’s happening now seems to be working against the things they managed to preserve for us , their children.

To be critical of a situation where innocent children are being killed daily, cannot be wrong. Whoever is doing the killing.

My dear late husband of 43 years was Jewish. But he was outraged at what we saw when we went to Israel, Gaza & Palestine (as I was). It was not a disgust at individual people because of their faith, it was for a system that creates such hate and inequality. It was also because he felt, as I do, that such a regime did not honour the survivors and those that perished in the holocaust.

We could not accept people killed, injured or affected by the holocaust would have wanted to see such treatment of the P/inians because of their race or religion. We felt at the time that this was the build up to violent genocide as we are seeing now. This surely would not be what the brave hero’s who suffered in the holocaust would want to see.

My husband and I had spent a life time challenging antisemitism, oppression, fascism and racism, partly to make sure their story was always remembered, in an effort to help prevent these things happening again. It was our way of honouring those who perished in the tragedy of the holocaust.

So I hope that the squeeze on free speech that we are seeing now will be reversed. If not, the quality of all our lives will be adversely affected. If our lives are affected in this way, then so will the lives of our children, and their children.

I therefore truly hope this is not the path that we continue to take, for all our sakes.

Especially for the sake of our ancestors who sacrificed so much, and of course for our children, and their children.

Sending my love and hope to you all for happier, safer times.

Best wishes,


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Teresa, Very well stated, sad and frightening.

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Many thanks Lisa.

It’s just so important that we do what little we can to stop the loss of free speech. I’m old enough to remember some of the countries that didn’t have this. Their lives were made a Misery. I just truly hope

That we work together to hold onto these very precious human rights, for the sake of our children. And grandchildren.

Stay safe my friend.

Wishing you well.

Much love.

Teresa. Xxx

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Yes, Teresa, we can only do our best and hope things turn around. It's very hard to believe how much things have disintegrated since WW2. I wish you safety, peace and hope. Take care. 💟

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I weep everyday listening & seeing the horror’s happening to the Palestinian people!

The Zionist Israelis know nothing of the horrors Palestinians suffer under this FASCIST OCCUPATION, it is a HOLOCAUST A GENOCIDE IN 2023 on PALESTINIAN LANDS!


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October 6th, there were a total of 0 Israeli troops on the Gaza strip. That is not an occupation it is the exact opposite. Hamas then orchestrated the mass killing, rape and torture of over 1500 Israeli citizens. The narrative that it is Israel committing genocide rather than Hamas is a pure moscow-driven disinformation strategy that has been cultivated for decades. Israel is not commiting genocide whilst Hamas is. Hamas states this intention in its founding documents whilst Israel avoids killing Palestinians in it's actions. Had Israel wished to eliminate Palestinians they have both the capability and the opportunity for decades and they have not done so. If you doubt the virulent, genocidal antisemitism that lies at the core of Palestinian cultural identity, inculcated over decades by moscow, read the PhD dissertation of "moderate" Mahmoud Abbas which hen penned for his PhD at the Patrice Lamumba University in Moscow in 1983, release as a book in 1984 and the founding documents of Hamas above. You are all being played like a Fiedler by moscow.

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You’re so far off base it’s actually embarrassing. Putin is very pro Israel much to my and many other people’s vast annoyance. His support of Jewish statehood is exactly why Moscow is so cautious, if they were actually supporting an anti Israel narrative they’d be milking this conflict. It’s almost like Russia has a vast and lauded system of education and foreigners learn there.

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It is you that is off base. Moscow has had a strategy of destabilising the middle east by inculcating the Arab street with virulent anti-semitism, starting with founding the PLO. If you doubt me you just have to read the sources. HAMAS founding document, Abbas's dissertation, the work of Patrice Lamumba University, the former head of Romanian intelligence wrote extensively about it all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion_Mihai_Pacepa

If you think it's a coincidence that Hamas regularly visit Moscow and Abbas is about to you are just being Naive.

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You sound like a born again McCarthyite and Imperialist. I’ll stick to reality and the actual actions of Israel, Russia and the US. You weave a nice story though.

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As someone who lived and worked in Russia for over a decade, in the US for two years and with an Israeli company for 5, I think I have a pretty good understanding. But you can fail to read and remain ignorant if you so wish.

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Or I can live in reality

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Join the Trump tribe and live in Moscow. That's where all your like-minded delusionists are. Go party like it's white24! Happy Fascism! I mean New Year!

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Trump is a disaster of a human being. The russian state is a disaster for humanity too.

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Ah, so you’re a racist. The truth rears its ugly head. Russian people are a disaster and must be contained. Statements such as this and the KGB memes are why this entire thread is embarrassing.

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Rape? Torture? On the very same day, A report revealed there is no evidence of any Rape taking place whatsoever. It's revealed the young people killed at the rave, were all most likely killed by an Israeli helicopter gunship. Who indiscriminately killed anything that moved. You embarrass yourself by coming out with discredited Israeli propaganda. I suppose you actually believe Hamas was in the hospital, they can find no proof of Hamas being in as well. Doesn't matter what you believe nothing can change what the whole world can see. Nothing you believe will change the vast majority of the world's governments & populations opinions. It's sad that there's people who believe propaganda & not what they can see in front of their eyes. But that's the way the world is, Me or no one else will be able to change your opinion or beliefs. Meaning it's pointless getting into an argument with you. But you've pointed out a couple if false narratives, I thought I'd correct. If you believe the unwarranted slaughtering of defenceless women & children is OK. Then I pity you & hope you never have to suffer what the people of Palestine are suffering at the hands of cowards. There's only cowards who would use fighter aircraft helicopter gunships & missile barrages against the sick in hospitals & defenceless civilians. Total cowards.

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Would be interesting if you could provide some evidence. Look at my post and I source my statements with links to reliable sources. You just make things up and trot them out to try and undermine the truth. Here is another reliable source.


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The Gaurdian, are you seriously telling me your proof is a Guardian article? I've no chance of talking sense to anyone who uses the Guardian as their proof.

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Not the only proof. One of many

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It was the Canadian Red Cross sexual crimes I forget exactly but the Helicopter admittance was made by Israel itself. If you don't know that you're not keeping up with the news. Your proof is from where exactly?

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Those Wikipedia citations are super persuasive! 😂

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Wwll you check the sources of the Wikipedia citations if you doubt their veracity. The Patrice Lamumba University existed,, its se Dean at the time of Abass's attendance and PhD defence was Yevgeniy Primakov and Hamas founding documents are also accessible elsewhere.

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Hamas was created by Mossad, that’s even admitted by Mossad themselves. It was a direct counter to the Soviet PLO. Get your own nonsense correct if you’re going to push an agenda. Yes I will admit that the Soviets especially under Andropov were very anti Jewish. That hardly matters post 1990, you seem to be living in a fantasy with zero nuance that the world hasn’t evolved from the meme of Red hordes. Grow up my man.

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You fuckwit...

Quote: "Israel avoids killing Palestinians in it's actions"

Sorry to tell you, but Israel might have fucked up on this one (30,000+) times recently...

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The hasbara is strong in you. But now, Israel's atrocities are being broadcast live and no amount of its risible excuses can conceal it.

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They walked right into a propoganda trap, yes.

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Baaah baaaah white sheep, have you any grip on reality? Rhetorical question.

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Yep. You see conspiracy theorists can't back up their claims with anything sensible like evidence, so they rapidly descendant into personal insulting. So transparent.

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Just a massive ton of hubris.

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I think he may just be cranky because World of Warcraft won't load and his mom won't make him a sandwich. Poor lil fascist.

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Did you know that you can't make a lie true by capitalizing it? Even if you really, really, really, really believe it?

Words matter.

Here is the definition of "genocide":


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I am unsure of the point you are trying to make here.

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I have heard many people use the term "genocide" to describe Israel's policy and military actions. I consider this to be a horrifying misuse of the word. I linked to the definition ("the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group") to address Teresa Grover's post, in which she capitalizes the term as though that makes it more true. Shouting doesn't make something false become true. Feeling strongly about something that is false does not make it true. Capitalizing GENOCIDE does not make the bastardization of the term any less objectionable. It makes it more objectionable, in my opinion.

In your response to Teresa's comment you addressed the use of the term genocide from another angle when you wrote "The narrative that it is Israel committing genocide rather than Hamas is a pure moscow-driven disinformation strategy." We seem to see the issue the same way. Maybe you thought I was replying to your post rather than Teresa's? That might explain the confusion.

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Have you read Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy? We’re witnessing a fascist new world order headed by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, both of whom grew up in apartheid S. Africa. Thiel has said, “Apartheid works.” Check out Chris Hedges Substack article addressing how Israel’s weaponry and intelligence have/are massively contributing to this aggressive new world construct, at: https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/israel-is-shutting-down-its-human

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The scary part about it is that it is based on historical fact: the apartheid regime in South Africa banned music that would “upset white people.”

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I’m thirsty, hungry, my mom is dead will you please stop the bombs. Why does nobody hear me...you didn’t ban me...Did You ?

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I left twitter today. On a whim. It is just so lame compared to substack. And then I read this and I feel like a prophet by chance.

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I have learned more about this war from you someone across the pond and total stranger then I have learned on Google and anywhere else and when I dare share things on Facebook all the sudden I'm anti-Israel like it's crazy to me but you tell the truth even through sarcasm and I'm able to fact check it and actually share what's really happening because without your articles I would never know these things Thank you so much.

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People forget that you can criticise the policies of the country of Israel without being antisemitic, just like you can sympathise with the civilians in Gaza without supporting Hamas.

It’s getting far too polarised out there. The world isn’t black and white, so why should this (or any other situation) be!

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There is no legitimate country, Israel.

The invention of Israel is a crime.

Displacement of the rightful residents.

Bye bye Israel = happy days are here again.

Been a long time.

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Exactly. Thank you

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Twitter’s irrelevance is being hidden by the spectacle that surrounds it. People pay attention to it because humans cannot ignore train wrecks, dumpster fires, and assorted shit shows because of their entertainment value. But, really, Twitter is irrelevant now. What little value it had died the moment it stopped curating content for quality and became a free-for-all. It won’t be missed, for sure.

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I left Twitter after Mush’s purchase and before it became Xitter (pronounced Shh..itter.) He’s a kind of turbo-Trump, still being formed in humanity’s rectal pocket of ‘Billionaire Celebrity’.

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I was undecided as to whether the genocide of tens of thousands of the children of Palestine was OK or not. I looked to our leaders in the UK parliament for an answer and they voted that genocide was OK.

It's actually easy to make these decisions -

When you're a fucking monster.

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Spot on, Ellen.

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The fact I read your work and just belly laugh the whole way through, even the bits about exploding babies and the massive suffering of a people, mainly children.....

I don't think a species comes back from here, I honestly think we are done. No one is coming to stop the genocide. The best they have is outraged people typing on the internet, so very few angles trying to drag them physically from harms way. Soon enough there will be another distraction ergo another genocide perpetuated by the west fades into a history written by the oppressor.

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That’s disturbing.

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“war crimes”

“free Palestine”

“premature babies matter”

“please don’t bomb my house”

“leave hospitals alone”

“killing children is wrong”

“jail Netanyahu”

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The things you write that make me laugh are so similar to what actual politicians and other idiots spout on TV on a regular basis. I have to wonder if the average American would recognize that this is satire! My favorite lines from this one: “Please understand this phrase is not genocidal when used by people who are committing genocide. It’s only genocidal when used by people who are calling for an end to genocide. I hope this is clear.”

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Ring, ring, ring tone, click ,click, .... hello;

Ah, Mr Smith, have I caught you at a bad time;?

Eer, no,... who is this;?

It's Jason, from twiddle daddle, we are conducting a survey, and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions,

if your able, that's if you want to;?

Eer,,I guess so,


Mr Smith, John , if I may; ?


John, um, ......really loud noise,

God, what was that;?

Mr Smith, John?

Jeez....us; what in the hell,it's huge....

Mr Smith, what, ?

It's a huge black and orange cloud it's massive, God, wtf!

There's this noise , the ground is moving, shit, the wind the dust, breaking glass, aargh!!


Mr Smith?, John? .... silence................

Words matter, Silence is Consent. Elon.

Loved your rant, I mean it could have been worse, for the unforgiven, your forgiven, thank you, for standing up,the best way you can.

Stop the Killing.

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I quite loathe Musk. I was kinda shadow banned on twatter, and was hoping that would change when He took over. It got worse. I asked Him several times to take the shadow ban off. It got worse and worse. Now, with 1700+ followers, NO ONE reacts to My tweets. Screw Elon Musk!

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