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Normal Island News has over 24,000 readers, making it even more popular than the UK Conservative Party which has four members. Although NIN has a huge readership, it has sadly failed to turn you all into massive Tories and will strive to do better going forwards.
The organisation was founded by a despondent BBC political editor who was fed up with the lack of pro-establishment bias in the mainstream media and thought she could do better by going it alone.
NIN founder, Laura, is internationally renowned for being the journalist who pioneered the art of relaying WhatsApps from Downing Street to the public as though they were news. She is motivated by a burning hatred of taxation and the working class, and she dreams of getting revenge on her bastard ex, Boris Johnson.
Normal Island News is a politically-neutral publication which is why it simps so hard for Liz Truss. You will be pleased to know it is a registered charity so the four billionaires who fund it can deduct their contributions from their tax returns. With a 42% reliability rating, it is considered the most accurate newsletter in existence. You should sign up today so that you never miss an article, it will change your life forever x