Madly they list anti-fascism as a terrorist warning sign. Ironically this makes them by definition fascists. At least they are admitting it now!

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It’s like English language countries don’t understand basic English vocabulary. Anti is Against and Anti fascist is against fascism. If I’m not wrong weren’t the Allied forces led by the almighty Indian hater, famine orchestrater - Winston Churchill also anti fascist since that was the whole purpose of that war.

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Yes and now Winston would be labelled as a terrorist for being against fascism! Our government is now obviously in favour of fascism as they do not label fascists as possible terrorists, just anti-fascists. We live in an upside down world. Safe now means lethal. Effective now means useless or worse!

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And "delivering" means nothing.

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Doesn't the general population of the UK outnumber the government?

Just asking.

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Sadly the education system is so broken and dumbed down that anyone under 40 would have to consult their smart phone - luckily it’s glued to their hand.

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Dumbed down education system is a plague in many so called top GDP nations aping to be super powers or are de facto super power. It’s a G7 or G20 strategy to keep ‘em dumb and keep ‘em divided.

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My husband is a college lecturer, he told me that now as part of the prevent programe (the one where teachers grass on students for extremism) that now socialism has been added to the list.

All those socialist terrorists must be stopped! /s

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I see Sir Storm Trooper is managing a feat even Donald Trump couldn't—turning a Left-Leaning Political Party Hard Right.

Yeah, I'm probably going to keep calling him "Sir Storm Trooper", partly because I find it incomprehensible how the former Director of Public Prosecutions came to head up the LABOUR Party! He's like one of those people who claim Nazis are Leftists b/c the there's "Socialist" in the full Party title....

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Talk about Lunatics running the Asylum, let's hope they don't take offence to breathing.

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You're still breathing? Cut that out right now!

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Depends, can you afford to? If you have money then it’s fine!

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Fcking Tory criminals know that most of them are going to lose their jobs, so they burn down the UK in every respect

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Yep, then when they are in opposition after losing the election the true horror of the seeds they have planted will erupt and they will blame it all on Labour.

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Yes, just like Republicans in the USA. Shameful cowards. Fourteen years of wrecking the UK, to turn it into a sweatshop for the super-rich. Obscene.

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Great column! That book (i.e., *1984*) was truly prophetic.

When Trump is re-elected, I'm sure his "reforms" will make yours look pale by comparison. He'll impose a Ministry of Truth, which will be administered as a blend of Christian Fundamentalism and American fascism. Mussolini fed political dissenters castor oil; we'll prepare a "spiritual enema for the unbelievers."

<< Seventy percent of the public want an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, but if you demand a ceasefire, you are an extremist because genocide is a core British value. If you don’t understand this, please read a history book. >>

"Who controls the present controls the past," and they're already rewriting the history books.

<< The only way to not be an extremist in Tory Britain is to be a conservative who mercilessly shits on the poor, avoids paying taxes and cheers on genocides. >>

...or in the USA, where those concerned with global warming are considered "extremist" (ironically, on the day when we reached the ninth consecutive month of increasing temperatures).

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The liberals are doing the same in Canada. Political affiliation apparently doesn’t mean much anymore....the uniparty has taken over.

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The two party system in the U.K. and USA is just a joke. There is no democracy, they are two sides of the same coin with the same elite masters.

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I prefer to say two cheeks of the same arse!

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And they both need a good slap.

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Indeed! We have the Republocrat Party here in the USA.

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Can't spell Tory without rot!

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"...asking Liz Truss to take a Turing test..."


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Next thing you know, folks will want to exercise free speech and equality before the law. And they don't want to become extinct... That's not a part of the oligarchs' plan at all. Tsk, tsk, tsk...

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The ruling class is getting a bit too uppity. Torches and pitchforks anyone 🤷‍♀️

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It will not be long before they outlaw the Scottish National Party the 3rd largest party in Westminster and the real party of opposition.

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Too prescient to be funny. Have you Brits thought about a strike. Not necessarily General, just target the politicians and the system.

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Well this links in with new Legislation covering reporters. Not happy with hitting editors with ‘D’ notices to prevent anything they don’t like. They have now taken it further to control individual and free-lance reporters who are prevented from publishing “anything that may embarrass the government!” No wonder they are filled with tripe rather than newsworthy items. As for shortness it’s not Sinai’s height that worries me but the fact he wears trousers that finish two inches above his ankles! What’s that all about?

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What a mess. Can we ever fix this?

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The “Ministry of Love”? Please tell me that is Laura K being very ironic. Please. Dear God, tell me that is Laura K’s beautiful irony.

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I'm guessing that is what it is called in the book 1984.

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