Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

You have it right again, Laura. Those rascally tunnels and teleporters must be there...they must. It's like those WMD that were in Iraq 20 years ago...I read in the Onion, that the use of the word "children" in describing casualties should be avoided by the media so that people don't think thousands of poor children have been murdered.


In all seriousness for this response, I pray and weep for the children, the innocents, but most of all...the babies and their parents. To paraphrase Neil Young...those children and babies never even got the chance to be cool.

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It is very important that we show solidarity with our mentor state Israel, lest they become angry with us and attack one of our ships as in a previous war. [search phrase USS Liberty] Also it is necessary to preserve jobs in our military industrial complex, who because in our desire to appease Putin are unable to build aircraft or air launched weapons for Ukraine and furthermore need to restrict ammunition deliveries for the same reason. Were we to give Ukraine an effective level of support, Putin would be sure to retaliate by reducing if not ending funding of the campaigns of Mike Johnson, Donald Trump and other loyal US politicians. We absolutely cannot allow that to happen!!!

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I was absolutely unaware of this"USS Liberty" incident due to my young age at the time, although that doesn't excuse me for not learning of it since then. I thank you.

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Not correct, but in your dreams. Source’s sir?

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100% correct.

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“Have these people learnt nothing? We’ve displaced them three times already in this conflict! " The dark humor is the only way one can even react to the stark reality.

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You certainly put so called professional British journalists to shame! I find what you are saying is so close to the truth. Israel is blaming the Palestinians for Israeli troops Genocidal actions! Its Palestinians fault for being in the way ,the rape allegations has only come about after the "Proven" cases against idf and prison guards raping Women/girls and a Boy. Freed Hostages of Hamas have been told to Say nothing unless approved by the Israeli government! That's because they were saying how well they were treated. It's honestly beyond belief . Please keep them coming , a "Spitting Image" style .

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"I’m sure all Americans agree this is money well spent, but if any disagree, we’ll just dismiss them as racists." Well, there are a few of us Americans who can get away with disagreeing. As much as I suffer from the national dillussion that the US is the absolute best thing since sliced bread, and therefore would not usually object to any of the ethically questionble situations we tend to get ourselves into, I really would like to go the doctor once in a while. And I'm am one of the privileged few who will not be labeled racist for wanting to go to the doctor because I am an anti-Zionist Jew! I tricked them! They can tell me I'm self-hating, but it just doesn't have quite the punch that being called a racist does. Am I allowed to say "Well played, my friend, well played," to myself?

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It’s now happening in Atlanta Georgia! In “cop city” a Peruvian teen was shot 52 Ak 15 bullets in the upper torso and arms seemingly while sitting in his tent with his arms up (surrendering?) to the (police?) for peaceful demonstrations in the forest in the middle of Atlanta Georgia against “cop city” a vast program of police training in urban environments that most of Atlanta fiercely but peacefully opposes! Many young people are facing up to 20 years of jail time for sleeping in tents as “dangerous terrorists”!!???

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Something is really wrong with the world these days 😩

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Or you just create a global system of, let's say laws, that you yourself don't actually sign on to, but ensure is enforced. Then, you could hold other nations basically hostage, either financially or militarily, to make sure they go along with this little charade. All the while, you're also fucking around globally with countless nations', that your big moneyed interests have a stake in. Oh, and you've also gained all this ability to rule the planet by committing many of the most egregious horrors upon people on your own soil.

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Hey Canada! Can I move in? :)

I'm very quiet and polite.

I assume cats aren't a problem. :)

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Your comprehension of Orwellian Newspeak is marvelous, @Laura K. A few comments, as always:

<< This is because Israel is doing everything it can to avoid casualties while it bombs civilians with 2,000lb missiles that America pays for instead of universal healthcare. >>

True, but Americans generally vote against their own class interests. That's why the sheeple have gone along with more tax breaks for the wealthy.

<< I’m sure all Americans agree this is money well spent, but if any disagree, we’ll just dismiss them as racists. >>

Actually, in the USA, we tend to call such people "anti-Semitic."

<< it doesn’t count as ethnic cleansing if you don’t call it ethnic cleansing. >>

Really? Even if the area is subsequently declared "Palästina-rein" ["pure" -- i.e., no Palestinians; a take-off on "Judenrein," used by the Nazis when an area had been "purified" of any Jews]?

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Ahh, the Rabbi Orwell calls Safe Zones, well, now, KILL Zones.

They are the chosen people now, don't ya know! Fuckers, one and all!


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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Whilst the actions of Oct 7th attack must be condemned, people should also think of the 75yr history of the conflict.

Forget about intelligence failure - Israel has the best intelligence service in the world - somebody must have known and let it happen probably not realising the ferocity of the attack. Interesting that this attack put an end to all anti-government demos in Israel.

Basically the western thinking is, "why don't the Palestinians FO and leave us alone."

It's interesting that Israeli ministers call for "final destruction of Hamas once and for all" - without actually using the words "Final Solution". It is sad that Rightwing ministers have used words like "ferreting out", "vermin" & "animals" all words used by the Third Reich.

I feel that the plan now seems to be that the only way for Israel to be safe is for it to take over all the land from the Med to the Jordan river. There are plenty of Muslim lands the Palestinians can move to and Israelis "only have Israel".

I don't think either side wants a proper permanent solution.

The Israelis want a monster they can point to, to justify their treatment of the Palestinians and the billions of funding and the "poor me look what the monsters are doing to us" support that they get . And anyway as long as Israel has the upper hand and unquestioning support of the West, and nothing to lose politically, they are not going to look for, or agree to a solution.

Hamas & the others too, are not going to agree to a solution as it gets funding and support from Iran and neighbouring countries and as it points to the "evil" of Israel. And the more Israel encroaches on to Palestinian land, the more they can continue justifying themselves. In fact they might actually be happy with killing and the bombing.

I'm sure somewhere in Israeli intelligence they realise that all these bombings and killings is producing a new generation of Hamas supporters amongst the Palestinians.

But that is most probably exactly what both sides want

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Death is so,reasonable, deaf and dumb bombs falling from the sky, wait , is there going to be a commercial break:?

A little bit left, no, no, little bit right, no go here , go there , wait , go underground and shelter in the bilbucks hangout, the one with the white rabbit on the door, babies in battle fatigues, death is so reasonable, reality so

so cruel ,as a world watches and it's soul dies in the holy lands, not burdened by a resurrection, no, only its destruction, as the worthless of us, the unforgiven, brothers ,sisters , mothers , fathers of our family of man,

must perish as by the will of righteous indignation, death is so reasonable, for not so long ago a final solution,

and a world in conflict suffered by millions , for freedom of the yoke of Tyranny, we have failed, the innocent must

must pay, and we must in blindness and indifference, turn the other cheek, to killing and having no solutions,

confounded in words , and ravings to be just, oh yes, death is so reasonable, who is washing their hands of

of this, oh wait , commercial break brought to you by?

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well done laura! with imagination and wit about a situation that is breaking hearts and burying humans.

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When the time comes, all American and Israeli corporate media talking heads and propagandist will be held accountable for their lies and deceit in which they regurgitate to the world...they will choke on their lies and stupidity for the arrogant and soulless beings in which the world see them for what they are...shallow and hollow, a plague of demons release through the idiot boxes on this planet...There will be no mercy for those who commit and back this genocide...

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Yep, I'm fucking paying for Genocide.

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It’s so heartbreaking and I contrast your dark humour with that of the Israeli Government . “Israel is continuing long-standing military policies towards Gaza – principally the so-called Dahiya doctrine, sometimes known as “mowing the lawn” – but has changed the focus to allow for far greater bloodshed among civilians.” from Jonathon Cooks most recent article .The mowing the lawn makes me feel so sick and sad...how can this be allowed ????

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