On April 19, 1943, the Warsaw ghetto uprising began after German troops and police entered the ghetto to deport its surviving inhabitants. Jewish insurgents inside the ghetto resisted these efforts. This was the largest uprising by Jews during World War II and the first significant urban revolt against German occupation in Europe. By May 16, 1943, the Germans had crushed the uprising and deported surviving ghetto residents to concentration camps and killing centers.

80 years later...?

The difference between the IDF in Gaza and the Nazis in Warsaw is what, exactly?

The helmets? Yes, that's what is. The helmets are different.

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Well... The boots are different (not hobnail) and I don't think they goose step as much either. Other than those negligible differences, it looks the same from here.

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I've never heard such a wholly ignorant statement in my life.

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My God you are stupid.

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The guy they picked to play the Hamas terrorist is a casting catastrophe.

A 45-year-old bald guy with a flabby middle. Instead of angry defiance, a look of abject terror on his face. He's obviously hoping that he can satisfy the soldier bossing him around.

Oh yes, this is a crazed teenage terrorist—not!

Definitely watch the video:


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Terrorists will often tie their shoe laces together and drape them around their necks. At the end of the shoe lace is a hand grenade which they position by their testicles because they know men don't like to grab other men's balls in a search. That's why their nearly naked.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023Liked by Laura K

Here is the video


Or it’s an other?

Because this is just insane, I mean, they must be on some pretty heavy drugs to conceive something like this.

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Terrorists will often tie their shoe laces together and drape them around their necks. At the end of the shoe lace is a hand grenade which they position by their testicles because they know men don't like to grab other men's balls in a search. That's why their nearly naked.

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This sounds like one of the classic excuses of genocidal nazi zionists.

The mistreatment of prisoners of war, soldiers or civilians according to the genocide convention, is a warcrime.

I advise you to read the Genocide Convention.


War criminals have no place in society.

There is nothing which can excuse the barbarism expressed by war criminals.

They are what they are, war criminals and as such must be treated

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*they're not their .. and source, please

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So much! Have a family member absolutely hooked - nothing else gets them as jacked up as wallowing around in the pits of hate forums.

L i t e r a l l y adrenalin addiction.

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I reckon Sir Kid Starver would happily volunteer.

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There is no reason to be supporting Israel in this conflict, especially allowing this kind of thing to make it to public view. I don't like what Hamas did, but then again, it is no wonder why, given the history...and the length to which Israel is going with the war is just the prime example of why Hamas exists...

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You “don’t like why Hamas did, but...” Really? There’s a “but”?

What Hamas did was barbaric and vile. How Israel has responded is likewise barbaric and vile.

Why is it so hard for people to condemn these acts without downplaying one of them?

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The 'but' is because history didn't start on 7th October, it was a response for 75 years of persecution and privation.

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So the civilians murdered and kidnapped and worse had it coming? Hamas was justified in the way they carried out their attack?

It’s certainly true that the Palestinians have been abused and oppressed by Israel. So that makes it OK for Hamas to target civilians? Wouldn’t that mean it’s similarly OK when Israel targets Palestinian civilians?

Why is it so hard to acknowledge to wrongness of Hamas’s attack?

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I said I don't like what Hamas did; they could very well more effectively and supportively attacked Zionist military and industrial zones rather than civilians, but when you take into account that Israel is doing far more in that bad way, who are we supposed to see as the bad guy, given the long history of violent actions against Palestinians? And...all of our actions worldwide since Korea just for politics and money...

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“ who are we supposed to see as the bad guy,”

The folks on either side who are committing the bad acts.

The long history of the conflict means there is a lot that either side can point to as an excuse for why they’ve done what they’ve done.


a specific event like Hamas’s attack should be able to be called out as particularly heinous without hedging. (As should the way Israel has responded.)

“Yes, you have a lot to be angry about, but that doesn’t excuse/justify what you did here.”

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I said I don't agree with the way Hamas acted, because they would likely have been more effective on the world stage if they had attacked military and industrial locations to actually work toward an effective stop to Israel's actions. We should have stood against Israel's actions over the past 75 years plus with violence and murder of Palestinians. The UN should have stood against that action as well. No one ever has, over time, so my question is, simply, what do we expect to happen at some point? Iran kicked us to the curb in 1979 to overcome our control of their country through the puppet Shah Reza Pahlavi, and they are now the bad guys just because. Afghanistan and other Arab countries are against us, and Israel, too, because, as with Afghanistan, we went there to help them kick out the Russians, and then we became the Russians. What do you expect to happen? I got bullied on the schoolgrounds between around 11-13 by a kid who really was just acting out how his parents treated him...I saw him one day bullying another kid, younger and smaller than me, and something just exploded in me and I went over there and said, "Hey, you already have me, why pick on someone smaller than me?" Then, not really knowing anything about fighting at that point, I just pushed him in his chest with both hands, and he fell down, and the other boys who were looking on started laughing at him, and he never bothered me or anyone else, after that. Was I wrong to act against him like that? Yes, Hamas should not have attacked civilians, but then neither should have Israel been acting against the Palestinians as they have, so I ask, for the last time in my last comment to you, what should we expect to happen against Israel? You get what you give...

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That is a given in any serious conversation about the events of October 7th. No sane person would say Hamas had any right to act as they did. Similarly, in answer to your question ‘surely it’s ok for Israel to target civilians?’ Or words to that effect.. of course not. This is an army waging war, as we are constantly told. A defensive exercise. The IDF chooses to ignore the rules applying to any army at ‘war’. I use the word war loosely. It’s a one sided weapons exhibition. Endorsed by the US, the Uk etc. Any dead Palestinian is a good Palestinian. Hamas but the hand that fed them. Nutenyathu and his cohorts allowed this to happen. There is a lot of gas off the coast of Gaza. But the resident population will have to be moved. Dead or alive. The pretext that this is all about destroying Hamas, when it’s leaders live in luxury far away from Gaza is a joke. The human shields story is also wearing thin. Any mention of the treatment of the Palestinians before Oct 7 th is to give some context to the story. Not a defence of Hamas. If we were to do so we could explore the number of Israelis killed by the IDF on the day their line of defence inexplicably failed for several hours. But that is to fall into the trap of picking sides and good guys and bad guys and back and forth online with people going out of their way to be offended. A waste of energy, you agree? NOBODY can defend the slay of innocents. Let’s get that stopped and then look at why this defensive ( Orwellian language if ever I’ve seen it) operation occurred. It’s a nuanced approach that is sadly lacking in those that consume MSM.

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1941, 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 2023....who's the aggressor ?

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Exactly what Sergeant Wilson said...the people finally have the courage to stand up for themselves strongly, just like Iran did to us in 1979, so Iran is the bad guy. Any reason Iran might not be supporting Hamas against Zionism or American colonialism?

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

The willful blindness to the bad acts of “their” side by just about everyone regarding Hamas/Israel is astounding.

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‘Just about everyone concerning Hamas/Israel is astounding’.. I’m not quite with you here. What do you mean?

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Typo. Had a “but” that should have been a “by”.

Fixed now.

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Terrorists will often tie their shoe laces together and drape them around their necks. At the end of the shoe lace is a hand grenade which they position by their testicles because they know men don't like to grab other men's balls in a search. That's why their nearly naked.

P.S. I'm 1000% pro-Israel

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So, you are 1000% in favor of a nation that terrorizes its neighbors just because they don't belong because they believe in the wrong god...just like the Europeans who came here with that doctrine and subjugated and killed off American Indians, the doctrine that started back on biblical old testament times when god supposedly told the Israelites to go into Canaan and kill them all and take over the land for their home, for that very reason. Like the Americans who, while at one point were friendly with Iran until in 1979 they got the courage to kick us to the curb so now they are the bad guys. I'm so sick and tired of stupidity everywhere I look these days. The Zionists are the terrorists, and they were part of the planning effort for 9/11 which the NIST "official" story is completely a lie so we and they and the Saudis could have complete military and political control of the Middle East...so many lies we've been told throughout history that, even just in one way we can know the truth because the people who told the truth have historically been made the "bad guys" because they have made our government look bad...stop simply believing what you are told to believe, and start looking at the truth which in so many cases, including Pearl Harbor and the assassinations of John and Bobby Kennedy, is so obvious and available if you care to look at it and learn.

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I mean, just the most basic of editing skills - just trim out the bit where they're giving instructions - would probably increase the 0% believability by a factor 3000%.

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Terrorists will often tie their shoe laces together and drape them around their necks. At the end of the shoe lace is a hand grenade which they position by their testicles because they know men don't like to grab other men's balls in a search. That's why their nearly naked.

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<< This means Israel is forced to either kidnap terrified civilians (the cheap option) or hire experts (the expensive option). >>

No problem at all here, @Laura K. The American Congress will be delighted to have our taxpayers pick up the tab in order to combat "anti-Semitism." [Oops; I forgot. What I meant was that we'll be delighted to add the higher cost to our national debt.]

<< because needlessly stripping and humiliating your captives is totally what the good guys would do. >>

Isn't it ironic that the female (American) soldier convicted of the abuse, sexual humiliation, and torture of Iraqi prisoners is ... Lynndie England? Of course, you Brits went further, castrating Mau Mau insurgents in Kenya (1952-60). Thus, you are indeed correct. Since the USA, UK, and Israel do it, it MUST be what good guys do! Thanks for yet another excellent post!

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Terrorists will often tie their shoe laces together and drape them around their necks. At the end of the shoe lace is a hand grenade which they position by their testicles because they know men don't like to grab other men's balls in a search. That's why their nearly naked.

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Idiots will often post drivel multiple times in the hope that quantity will overcome a laughingly inadequate quality of their argument!

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Hmmm... it's a pity that the 'Collective West' doesn't give a shit about lying Israelis and fucked up fake videos, after all, isn't that the BBC's et al, stock-in-trade, peddling fake videos to an uninformed , propagandised, Western public?

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Terrorists will often tie their shoe laces together and drape them around their necks. At the end of the shoe lace is a hand grenade which they position by their testicles because they know men don't like to grab other men's balls in a search. That's why their nearly naked.

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It's all a Fiddler on the Roof, If I Were a Rothschild.


These are mean people, man. Little Tel Aviv is what even the Jews call Hollywood. And Silicon Valley, even those Isra-Hell has their Wadi Valley, home to the most dispicable Mossad a Jewish Mother Could Ever Want.

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The Levant and Iran: A Conversation with Hala Jaber and Elijah Magnier


Multidisciplinary artist Saul Williams brings his unique dynamism to this Afrofuturist vision, a sci-fi punk musical that’s a visually wondrous amalgamation of themes, ideas, and songs that Williams has explored in his work. Co-directed with the Rwandan-born artist and cinematographer Anisia Uzeyman, the film takes place in the hilltops of Burundi, where a group of escaped coltan miners form an anti-colonialist computer hacker collective. From their camp in an otherworldly e-waste dump, they attempt a takeover of the authoritarian regime exploiting the region's natural resources – and its people. When an intersex runaway and an escaped coltan miner find each other through cosmic forces, their connection sparks glitches within the greater divine circuitry. Set between states of being – past and present, dream and waking life, colonized and free, male and female, memory and prescience – Neptune Frost is an invigorating and empowering direct download to the cerebral cortex and a call to reclaim technology for progressive political ends


Pedro Baños Bajo How They Rule The World The 22 Secret Strategies Of Global Power




Saul Williams & Abby Martin: Israel's High-Tech Barbarism




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Obviously the Congressional Military Industrial Complex and the Biden administration grew tired of the war in Ukraine so now the slaughter of innocent children and defenseless men and women is more their style. The best murders take place when your not looking, a knife in the back missiles raining from the air. If only the Palestinian air force and their navy would strike back with vengeance...wait a minute they down have one...The American and Israeli politicians along with their military are cowards, gutless, yellow belly cowards who hid behind their insanity...

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Lol!!!! Gal Gadot, Crying.

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Don’t mess with Wonder Woman. I’m Batman. 🤪

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But they have Wonder Woman. Please do not tell me Gadot is not Wonder Woman.

Where is God when all this is going on? Oh, I forget that our most loving god does not want to interfere with our most precious gift of Free Will, the gift that keeps on giving us the heavenly blessing of self destruction.

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Wait for GADOT!!!

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Terrorists will often tie their shoe laces together and drape them around their necks. At the end of the shoe lace is a hand grenade which they position by their testicles because they know men don't like to grab other men's balls in a search. That's why their nearly naked.

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I’ve when waiting all my life so she must be near.

Wait…..LORD KRISHNA tells me all is as it was meant to be.

I’m so confused.

What care I so they stand the same

Things of the heavenly mind

How long the power to give then name

Tarries yet behind

Thus far today your favors reach

O fair appeasing presences

You taught my lips a single speech

And a thousand silences

Space grants beyond his fated road

No inch to the god of day

And copious language still bestowed

One word no more to say

They reckon Ill who leave me out

When me they fly I am the wings

I am the doubter and the doubt

And I the hymn the Brahman sings

Oh well.

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Man, where are the “crisis actor” conspiracy mongers when you need them?

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Terrorists will often tie their shoe laces together and drape them around their necks. At the end of the shoe lace is a hand grenade which they position by their testicles because they know men don't like to grab other men's balls in a search. That's why their nearly naked.

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certainly hollywood and silicon valley must be available and on standby to assist in these UNcanny productions🙄

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The dogs are being wagged right and left!

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