Julian Assange is a hero for having the courage to lay out for everyone to see, the war crimes we committed in Iraq, where we had no business to go there in the first place; it was all about politics and money. Julian's reporting did not endanger US security in any way, it just made a lot of influential people look bad...and we can't have that, now, can we?

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This ruling by the UK courts reads like it’s being run by ChatGPT instead of actual humans who occupy a space called thought.

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A preview of rulings by AI

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Medium Bad(?),

That might be a plausible explanation.

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It’s getting to that place where satire and reality have congealed

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If that's the case, AI seems to have a keen sense of Jurisprudence… Hopefully will have the same good judgment when it comes to feeding the mutts.

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That sounds awkwardly fascist but let’s say it’s only the bevies talking, it would still be a boomer sentiment from a beaten down ancestry

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Mar 26Liked by Laura K

Well spoken Laura with your satirical slay, and usual sense of the ironic wit.

Thank you for making sense out of it all.

Truly appreciate your work.


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I wouldn’t trust them as far as l would throw them ‼️

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That's a good idea, especially with this current crop… No doubt they’d find Assuage had managed to hang himself with a strategically placed paper towel.😵‍💫

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When was the last good crop?

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Of course none of these politicians and agencies in the US can be trusted. And neither the UK. It’s still vivid in my memory, the so called suicide that this British scientist committed after visiting Irak and concluding that there weren’t any signs of weapons of mass destruction. Conveniently, this person was found dead after he communicated the truth.

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Even though that’s exactly what they want to do, of course.

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Just one quibble- the U.S. doesn’t use the chair any more to fry its perps. We inject them with poison. Ordinary people call the procedure torture. The U.S. calls it Plan B.

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Actually, the US calls it Medicare, Part B.

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Wicked. Ouch. Meaning, good one.

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Laura, keep up, for goodness sake. Americans don't use the electric chair anymore, that was too humane. Now they use drugs that take forever to kill you and cause a lot of pain during your 10 - 20 minute death routine. It's like a training ground for Zionist treatment of Palestinians.

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I'll have you know, I'm always no further than 20 years behind on US news x

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Don't forget that some states offer execution by way of gassing, be it nitrogen or cyanide. It's supposedly more humane and it worked well for those Nazis so clearly it's good enough for the USA.

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The Nazis studied our POW/concentration camps from the Civil War period and how we got rid of that "Native problem" by sticking them into small areas of land, so why not return the favor and utilize their gassing method of execution? (Sigh.)

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Yes, there has been a great exchange between American and Nazi ideologies and methods, particularly in the area of eugenics.

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It sounds like the High Court is having trouble with the Yanks again. The pressure is on so they are stalling until they can figure out what to do. As we all know, it will be some politicians who will ultimately make that decision, not the court. Why can't they just let it go? Put Julian Assange on a plane back to Australia with a written promise to stay away from anything to do with journalism or the case and forget about him. That would be too easy though, especially for the vindictive Americans. They have to have their pint of blood because they got their nose bloodied. Another event that they have to parade in front of the world to say, "We are still the biggest bullies on the planet and don't you all forget it."

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Absolutely complete embarrassment.

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They’ll promise not to KILL him. Not a word about burying him alive in solitary.

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That's what I said… Protective Custody. Julian is in perhaps in the only place on the planet that they cannot get to.

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Never be too sure on that, sir. Two things that don’t hang themselves. Curtains and Epstein.

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As master of the obvious, I would agree but congruently Epstein, according to our DoJ Attorney General’s report then headed by Bill Barr, stated that he did and he did it with a paper towels. Now you wouldn’t have happened to been in the DC area on or 1/6?Or one of those election deniers or maybe one of those ANTI-Vaccers… Or GOD FORBID MAGA FORNICATORS? Let’s just nip that conspiracy jibberish right here in the bud😵‍💫

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Nope doc, I'm as blue as they come. I still don't think Epstein hung himself. No video. someone shut the video down. Point is, disregarding he above, I'm only surprised a :"jail break" didn't;'t occur in the UK with Julian on a rendition island or boat. Forever. I;ve had all vaxes so lay your mind at ease. I'm autoimmune and unless you are too, I;'ve had more vaxes than you. Wasn't in DC on 1-6, I watched with horror. calm down. Just because it's a conspiracy theory doesn't mean it's not true. Are you one of those who think Oswald alone killed JFK?

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Gerald Ford said so… He was an Eagle Scout (rumors has it he was President too) I know better than to listen to that jibberish.🤥🙄

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I have no response. Sorry/not sorry I offended you.

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Good deal always ready to sharpen those conflict resolution skills😉

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The insanity of it all is driving me crazy

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There there now, stay sane to spite them. It won't last for more than a few more years at the most.

"Those whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason." (Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.)

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“ The people who plotted to murder him can totally be trusted”. TOTES!

“ They obviously weren’t watching you, I mean attractive people! No one is watching you, sweetie.”. THIS I AM WELL AWARE OF.

“ Trusting them on this matter is like handing a steak to your hungry dog and expecting him not to eat it. I don’t know about you, but I totally believe in the self-restraint of Poochie and so should you! x” TRUTH

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And that's why the Garrick Club is soooo important. So High Court judges can meet quietly and in peace and re-write the law.

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"Laws are funny things because when you do something now, you’re not just expected to know the law in the country you’re in, you’re expected to know the law in every country in the world and comply with them all, even if they contradict each other!"-- Yeah! How did that happen?

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