It's clever how every capitalist budget starts by giving enormous tax breaks to all the people with enough money to be worth taxing.

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Waiting for the capitalist and those who believe in capitalism to change is “Waiting for Godot.”

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It’s lucky that Jeremy and his cabinet colleagues are so incredibly honest that they don’t need to comply with the standards enforced on freeloading parish councillors. Imagine how terrible it would be if all the landlords in parliament had to declare an interest and then be banned from discussing or voting on the budget.

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It makes me happy to think that he gets royally taken by plumbers and builders. With that condescending smirk, they must put it to him big-time. He knows he can get stuff past his Oxford and Charterhouse cronies, but builders and plumbers no doubt scare the bejesus out of him because they can see through his crap in a nanosecond.

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It took him over an hour to say what he did That's the longest I've ever been screwed for

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I really don't see how much longer this system (in the US as well) of "only the wealthy get to enrich themselves" is going to last...

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6

I mean, you don't want your Chancellor to be out on a corner with a cardboard sign saying, "Will Revue Spreedshets 4 Rental Propertea Morgage Paymints", would you?

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<< The wonderful thing about capitalism is it rewards hard work by allowing rich people to take out loans so they can build a £3.57 million property empire and sit back as the hard work of others pays for those loans. >>

Here in the USA, we even throw in bankruptcy laws that enable the capitalists to avoid payments altogether. Donald Trump's businesses have gone bankrupt SIX times. His response (in a debate vs. Clinton), "That's smart!"

<< Hunt explained that cutting capital gains tax by 4% will increase tax revenues, and if you don’t understand that, it’s because you don’t understand economics. >>

We've had "trickle-down" economics in the USA since Reagan in the 1980s. He gave huge tax breaks to the wealthy -- and then began taxing Social Security, the "safety-net" into which we all pay.

Another great column!

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Savagery, barbarism, usury, predation, theft, debtors prison, infinite evictions/foreclousers, OR, SOCIALISM with people directed and organized community and national interests.

I am sure, that rat-lord will be getting more tips from the black hearts of FInk and Schwartzman and their BlackRockStonePaperScissors continuing criminal enterprises.


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Bloody brilliant scathing satire.

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Of course, it is important to remember that in order to attract the best and brightest, there must be "special" perquisites for those in the upper eschelons of business...and government. We musn't open up those precisous few spots to just ANY ol' person, right?

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Makes me feel like throwing myself of a kitchen shelf

Falling on a bruise


Nye Bevan, tories lower than vermin.

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it pays (in tax relief) to be an elite.

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I wonder if, somehow, Jeremy was a co-writer for George Orwell's book, 1984. I needed to get myself updated about how the world today is operating and I am finding that 1984 is helping me to understand. Thank goodness we have people like Jeremy Hunt.

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Crapitalism is ghastly. So is communism, socialism, and all other systems that arise from the accounting for the energy We add into a system. Money systems promote psychopaths to the top.

I champion abundancism...

Abundancism – It’s Not Working for a Living; It’s Loving the Work You’re Living (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/abundancism-its-not-working-for-a

Abundancism (10 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/abundancism:8?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Communism vs. Abundancism (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/communism-vs-abundancism

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🤣 I suppose I shouldn't laugh really but this is spot on & encapsulates the evil, disgusting people that have always screwed humanity. The opposite of truth & morality dressed up in a nice suit & haircut, presented in the media as the height of respectability, increasingly exposed as barely skin deep. I think Mr. Icke is on to something

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