You really do hit on a serious, under-recognized point here: the strongest weapon against the US is that which causes inconvenience. We'll accept anything to avoid it.

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Especially when it involves transporting more stuff not needed in the first place

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“peace is violence against the profits of ...”. Brilliant analysis of capitalism.

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Capitalism is the corporate adaptation of Zionism. Both are religions run by rabid fanatics. One is murderous by blood, the other murderous by poverty and blood.

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Indeed! She has a way with words!!!

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/heart-driven-economy-vs-greed-driven

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Brilliant analysis of Jew controlled capitalism.

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LOL ‘One distraught neoliberal told me: “I’ve been waiting six weeks for my cheap dildo from China. I don’t even like Netanyahu, but if Yemen continues its antics, I will totally support the genocide in Gaza!”’


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This really happened x

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Wait, WTF???

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How can this be true? Seems to me-- it’s time for Aliens to start doing to those who think profits matter more than humans-- a giant dose of their own medicine

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Has this specimen not heard of TEMU? They use planes, the crafty gits

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Sadly my country (USA) has never refused an excuse for a “good “ war either democrats or republicans only the few libertarians and Democratic Socialists have continually rebuffed this foreign policy..

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

So many in power still think that the "hearts and minds" of the people whose country we are fighting in will quickly shift to the USA pov. I'm kinda starting to think that we have not done much winning of "hearts and minds" in any war after WWII. Was the "Korean Conflict" even a legally declared war? Was the last war the USA and world went into to really win WW II? Because it's been obvious since and including the Vietnam war that there ain't no winning the hearts and minds of the oppressed and hungry.

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When people become highly exorcised against fanatics, often they become mirror image fanatics.

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True -- and extremes often meet!

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You go far enough to the right and far enough to the left and the fanatics who are indistinguishable from each other are all the same at the bottom of that circle.

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The last scene of Orwell's *Animal Farm* raised the same point!

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I might have been influenced by that, sir!

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I don't have numbers if say, 5 % of shipping have ties to Israel, there is nothing to talk about

ships can go around Africa, but your electric scooter will cost a bit more

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As much as I enjoy NIN, I do have the odd concern that, following the fall of civilization (in 5 to10 years, depending upon who you ask) the only surviving reference materials for this era will be the collected writings of Laura K. I can only hope that, when our dishevelled descendants crawl from the rubble looking for guidance and answers, they will still have a sense of humour.

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They won’t. They’ll be pissed at us. If any survive…

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Perhaps. The first gen will be too busy running and hiding, the next will be too busy fighting off the rats and other feral beasties. It will be the third or fourth generation who begin rebuilding and to them we will just be the monsters of fairy tales.

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Agree. But ultimately, no one will read this sub and think it’s even remotely funny. They’ll think Laura was a shaman and the rest of us fools.

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I concur. There ya go, Laura K, you should add Shaman to your profile.:D

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You've read Parable of the Sower then? https://www.octaviabutler.com/parableseries

I mistakenly thought it was fiction...

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I haven't read that, but will give it a look. I'm not surprised my "crackpot" extinction/survival theories are echoed by others. There's nothing too original about them - just an extrapolation of precedents within human nature and the world as it is today.

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Both books are well worth reading. They were definitely original / not mainstream ideas when the first one was written 30 years ago...

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I read the blurbs you posted. Intriguingly prescient. They're on my shopping list. Thanks.

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I have to say when I heard about shipping lanes I thought WTH! Shipping lanes? Fortunately I don’t need one of those Chinese thingamajigs or I’d be really mad. You are so clever.

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Yes good job the EU is already buying fossil fuels from the US , at a high mark up, transported across the Atlantic rather than from their next door neighbour, the evil Putin, through a pipeline, which very conveniently seems to have exploded. Otherwise we would have to pay those pesky oil countries (some of whom support Palestine!) even more for oil that has to be transported round the cape of good hope instead of the Suez canal rather than paying the US through the nose!

Better too be plunged into a recession and a freezing winter without being able to afford to heat ourselves by our white friends in the States than by brown pro-Palestinians.

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Same here. First I heard of Houtis was an update on a rug that’s delayed from China. I don’t follow daily news- but as always Laura K told me all I really needed to know.

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Jan 13·edited Jan 20

The problem with the Hothies is this small,poor nation has been flipping off Saudi Arabia for over two decades now. And the Saudi government can't beat them. That is rather embarrassing, and it makes the Crown Prince look like a sissy.

If we continue to bomb the Hothies, will Iran come to their aid? Such fascinating times we live in Laura. Where the vampires openly drink the blood of the poor.

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I’m so glad that you’re a world leader and have the solutions to every issue that’s going on in this world. Oh wait I’m being sarcastic! Sorry, not.

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Well, I keep working to solve for the psychopaths in control...

Solving for Psychopaths in Control (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/solving-for-psychopaths-in-control

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This writing although extremely readable for its wit alone is one of the most compassionate pieces of writing every time and that takes real skill , thankyou

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So does money, space,land, religion and winning .Greed is causing war all over the world the rest of us don't matter at all they are turning us into collateral damage for cash

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To many camera and no place to hide, reality is is catching up and they are in panic mode.

Here something I wrote yesterday.


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Even though I am a subscriber here at, Laura's, Barry Sanders linked me here this morning.

His thoughts on "A War With The Houthis Is Futile" is to the REAL point as well. As an American I feel nothing but shame for the actions of our 'owners' yet feel helpless to do anything that will change any of it. Writing letters to our bought and paid for 'leaders' is futile. Even the protests of TENS OF THOUSANDS over the weekend will change absolutely nothing.

Will we, as citizens of one the most brutal nations in history, EVER wake up to the truth of what is being done in our name? A rhetorical question if there ever was one. What, miss an episode of the 'Desperate Housewives' to think, even for a moment, of the TRULY desperate wives and mothers in Gaza?

Most people remember George Carlin as just another comedian who used to appear on the 'Tonight Show' and others like it. But as he grew older, he too became aware of the hypocrisy of our 'leaders' and began to speak out about it. He said the following on an HBO special 19 years ago. Did any of the people in that theater think about what they had heard for more than a day? We are as much a part of the brutality as our 'owners' because we don not want to listen if it disturbs our hypocritical self-image. Note the use of 'willfully ignorant".

“That’s what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes every day, … It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.” - George Carlin

And George Orwell wasn't too far off the mark either:

“It was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.” - George Orwell - 1984


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