British satire, though sometimes dry, can be so scathing. I like it.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Laura K

It's all controlled by mutual blackmail 😢

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Michael Fabricant nude 🤢🤮

I so very, VERY hate you for that bluddy thought...

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However did the free world survive donald and boris? If your guy is really persona non grata would you pass your secret on to us over here? Some people(and I use that term very lightly, are still under the illusion that trump is the best thing since McDonald’s French fries.

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I suspect Laura K might be the secret... and she might not like our coffee!

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The media keep building the Trump-puppet up like He is "The Savior." But... Trump is just playing His part. The for-profit corporation (since 1871), United States, appointed Him as CEO and let things get a bit better, then appointed Biden to create the mess, so when They reappoint Trump as CEO, People still attached to the "government" illusion will herald Him as "The Savior," bow to His every command, and when They announce another, "most deadliest" unicorn, He will mandate forced jabbing, "to save Humanity!," of course.

Do not forget that He rubs elbows with Klausipoo, appointed the swamp, praised Killary, pushed the death jabs, and knew in 2017 that 2020 was in the works when He said it was the "calm before the storm."




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Would you please rewrite your run on sentence so it would make sense? Not too sure where you’re coming from when you say Biden has made a mess of things. That’s what “the media” would have everyone believe however todays inflation report has the US down to 3% while the rest of the world still struggles.

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LOL! Who issued this "todays inflation report?" Biden has run the debt up tremendously, allowed (alphabet) grooming everywhere, and more. And from what I see, inflation ain't slow.

Be that as it may, I was addressing the worship of Trump.

And I'm not sure why You struggle with what I wrote. Perhaps I can break it down for You.

The for-profit corporation (since 1871), United States, appointed Trump as CEO and let things get a bit better. Then They appointed Biden to create the mess He is creating. When They reappoint Trump as CEO, People still attached to the "government" illusion will herald Him as "The Savior." They will bow to His every command. When They announce another, "most deadliest" unicorn, He will mandate forced jabbing, "to save Humanity!," of course.

Did that clarify for You?

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A pox on both their houses, that's what I think the point is.

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Well, I do not consent to that psychopathic legal/governmental system at all. And I can see the games They play, manipulating Us and all... I work to co-create vastly better for Humanity than what the psychopaths in control are creating for Us.

The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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A little bit of British humor. This would make a good TV show for the Brits. Funny as I will get out. I enjoy your humor

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Yes, Minister came close.

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One of those palace guards, told me that Boris did visit the Queen, but he didn’t mention Brexit….he spent all his allotted visit time showing Q pictures of his children. She was not amused. She didn’t say this out loud, but did very much think that was spending most of his time making. … whoopee, which explained why the country was horribly out of sorts.

Oh, and another thing, Boris was not in the hospital because of Covid. Nope. He was there for a vasectomy, but after several days, he was released because he refused to drop his knickers for the procedure.

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Most of the political references are a mystery to me, but as a (retired) computer consultant I really appreciate the technical explanation at the end. Schrodinger's phone indeed.

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I live in the US, so forgive my ignorance. I never heard of Michael Fabricant so I looked him up.

So is he a Boris Johnson wannabe, or vice versa?

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One of those palace guards, told me that Boris did visit the Queen, but he didn’t mention Brexit….he spent all his allotted visit time showing Q pictures of his children. She was not amused. She didn’t say this out loud, but did very much think that was spending most of his time making. … whoopee, which explained why the country was horribly out of sorts.

Oh, and another thing, Boris was not in the hospital because of Covid. Nope. He was there for a vasectomy, but after several days, he was released because he refused to drop his knickers for the procedure.

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