is much the same in the USA. At peaceful protests, even in San Francisco, you will find the PD encircling the fascists cuz the need 'protection' from all us greenies..

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And our “police” over here are basically very well armed paramilitary militias.

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SO very true, and it has been for many decades.

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Yes. The whole U.S.'s citizens who didn't approve of W. Bush's war of choice on Iraq were preemptively caged.

In New York the police set up 20' x 20' (guessing the size) cages throughout areas of the city expected to host offenders the night before the scheduled protests. When the offenders/protesters started showing up the riot geared police would scoop them up at 10 or more at a time with orange plastic construction fences, "safe zones" they were called I think.

The police eventually cuffed them and moved them to chain link cages prior to booking. They held them until the protests were officially over or 24 hours. The typical violation/response of citizens' 1st Amendment rights when it comes to objecting to criminal conduct by the Executive Branch and Congress or police brutality.

The riot police arrested literally everyone they saw. People gawking on the sidewalks, bicycle riders and moms pushing strollers.

That Operation had the desired results. Victims reported they would never participate in a public protest again.

However, this sentiment had to be reinforced during the BLM protests in Oregon 20 years later. This time three Alphabet Agencies grabbed protesters off the streets at night into unmarked black vans by unidentified men in black and questioned in an undisclosed location for several hours. Naturally, this frightened any desire for freedom clean out of them. (They thought they were transported to a U.S. trained military South American country. Which, in a sense they were, since one two of the Agencies turned out to be Border Patrol and the Dept of Homeland Security.)

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Absolutely horrible, Ellen! As noted earlier, it is always worse when they deal with minorities. I heard rumors of similar preemptive measures against indigenous people at the Dakota Pipeline protests, where as you know, police used water cannons on protestors despite the freezing weather. However, people in the USA have learned nothing, and the Right-wing cries for "law and order" (by those who violate the law FAR more often and more egregiously) seem to prevail.

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It's disheartening that the MSM of nationwide broadcasts on T.V. and broadsheets/digital newspapers were not reporting on the national or World Wide protests of the 'war of terror' started by Bush/Cheney and Congressional collaborators.

My husband and I couldn't attend the protests, however we believed we could catch it on T.V. We could only find information on the channel Republicans hate and claim (wrongly) is liberally biased, PTV and NPR.

The supposedly "liberal" news stations didn't cover the protests either. So I don't want to hear liberals claim MSNBC and CNN are on our side. They are simply the competition to Fix News.

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American media, which are essentially corporate media, have moved to the Right collectively. What used to be tolerably "liberal" print or electronic media are now centrist at best. Thus, CNN may be called the "Clinton News Network" quite accurately. [The Clintons were anything but progressive; "centrist" is an apt appraisal.] Even *The New York Times* of today is far more centrist than what it was during the Vietnam War era.

As for Faux News, it should have its license stripped away. It fed the "stolen election" lie -- which millions believe to the present day despite the absence of ANY credible evidence -- even though the news anchors and Murdoch himself knew the 2020 results were valid. That is NOT "news" or even "opinion"; it is outright incitement to commit criminal acts.

And, tragically: 20 years after the invasion of Iraq we have STILL not found those "weapons of mass destruction," have we? Shameful!

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I just love your sense of humor. I do hope someday you’ll be free of your Tories, and we’ll be free of our MAGAts.

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MAGAts? Maga folk are least of your worries. Unless you are begging, er I mean supporting ANFTIFA and BLM so that they don't riot or loot your store.

MAGAts mostly live in the rural areas, while the later two live in the cities.

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Anti-Fa means anti-fascist. The behavior of the cult known as MAGA can exhibit characterizations of fascism.

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Absolutely correct! Mussolini articulated the notion of fascism as “a merger of state and corporate power," which is ominously close to what we have in the USA. If there is dissent, they simply call in the police, triggering them with words like "terrorist" (or "Communist," or anything similar). It is Right-wingers who most strongly believe in the right to use force to get their way, even if the majority oppose them. Thus,

MAGA can exhibit characterization of fascism" is absolutely correct. [MAGA, for those who don't know, means Make America Gangrenous Always.]

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Are you >sure< you want to die on False Equivalency Hill?

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The analogies to the situation in the USA are painful. Permit me to cite two:

(1) << Fortunately, security was taken seriously today because there was a real danger the country’s most beloved politicians could’ve been subjected to mean words from the people whose lives they destroyed. >> In 1966, I was "strategically re-situated" by the Secret Service and twenty-odd police on the grounds that I "brought a gun to the demonstration." To this assertion I took but three exceptions: (a) I was some distance from the (anti-Vietnam War) demonstration and was actually walking in the opposite direction (to the library to deal with my course work); (b) I had never owned a gun in my life; (c) Aside from my notebook and a textbook, I was carrying a wallet in one pocket and a quarter, four dimes, and a ballpoint pen in the other. I was released after a few hours of baiting and threats from the police, and not charged with a crime. However, MUCH worse occurs these day, particularly to people from minority groups.

(2) << Rishi explained that lack of democracy is fine because he believes he is doing the right things. He might be the only one, but that doesn’t matter, does it? >> Republicans "won" with fewer votes than Democrats in 2000 (a dubious election at best) and 2016 (considerably more egregious, since it inflicted Trump on the planet). The same people who bleat the magic words (e.g., "democracy," "democratic," et al.) are the ones who oppose doing away with our Electoral College. They know they cannot capture 50 percent of the vote, but since what they are doing is "the right thing" (or the Far Right thing?)... In fact, they insist that Trump and their minority have the right to inflict their will on the majority, because in that way he/they can give us TRUE "democracy"!

Thanks as always for another great column.

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It was the Roosevelt dimes. They never did like him.

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I wish someone had warned me about them!

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They HATED him (FDR). He had the audacity, the gall, the effrontery to think that government had a responsibility to help people in need. What a crazy idea 🤪

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True, but the party have moved to center. Where are the New Deal Democrats today? FDR would be rolling over in his grave if he knew what has followed him.

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“Out” being an abbreviation of outstanding, obviously. I mean what else would it mean?” I’m sorry. I thought that “out” was an acronym for OBVIOUSLY UNDERRATING TORIES meaning Tories are anointed by God to help shepherd the non-Torie sheep and helping the sheep to live comfortably by shearing away their wool. It is like non-torie voters are helped be closer to the teaching of The Christ by helping remove the evil corruption of their money.

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It's like looking into a mirror, Laura. I'd swap our Police and Republicans for your Police and Tories, but it would be a zero-sum game.

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Nothing shouts ‘I’m a cowardly weasel!’ Quite like needing protection from peaceful protestors who are nurses

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The Pre-Crime Pre-Cogs do outstanding work!

They helped us in the States know to invade Iraq because Iraq, with it's 4th rate military, one day might think about doing something to the U.S. that would really make us have to go get a fly swatter. Boy, we headed that one off centuries before it occurred!

Now, if our Pre-Cogs only knew that Trump doesn't know who was president during the pre-emptive invasion of Iraq, and if they only knew Trump this past week forgot WWII has already actually happened, we'd have known to write the buffoon crib notes with a shiny big crayon.

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By pre-cog, you mean the police browsed x and FB until they found something that made them tingle in anticipation.

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Nope. They just did what the U.S. had been doing since the 1970s protests. Closing down Freedom of Speech, that is speech that would hurt the political classes feelings.

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Bravo! Excellent writing! Painfully on target and hilariously brilliant! 👍👍👍🌟🌟🌟

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You're such a charming human being, Laura. Long live and let your inimicable style of humour continue putting people in 🪓 splits of laughter till they blurt out the bitter truth that the government is the biggest house of Clowns in the world!

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Not so much 'The Government' as the wealthy Far-right in the Government. Good governance is what people want, not the current power, money hungry people gripping the Government.

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Think of governance in a country like India - over a billion people living across every possible kind of terrain, having scores of religions each with thousands of Gods and Goddesses and speaking scores of languages written in myriad scripts..... and so on ad infinitum - and you'll be really happy with the government of your little island! Have fun 😊😊😊😊

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Yes. You have murder of Muslims and Christians ordained by your President or is it Prime Minister?

I truly am glad Trump and DeSantis has only gotten through to some MAGAs.

Personally, I would think that with so many gods and goddesses a secular government would be optimum. But unfortunately, you have the opposite.

Do you wish that your National government weren't hateful towards non-Hindus? Maybe you want a government that is condemning of violence, prejudice and murder?

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I'm looking forward to the day when neither Tories or MAGA'ts exist! Another good one Laura, love your sense of humour.

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Thank goodness you have kept me up to date, never even realised that I had missed it.......

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Think of governance in a country like India - over a billion people living across every possible kind of terrain, having scores of religions each with thousands of Gods and Goddesses and speaking scores of languages written in myriad scripts..... and so on ad infinitum - and you'll be really happy with the government of your little island! Have fun 😊😊😊😊

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Great as usual

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Wait, y’all can’t get ahead of us Yanks to have the worst cop stories and politicians! We won’t have it. To one-up you, Little Orange Toad sat in court today to learn a brand new word: "disgorgement.” I know it’s a lot of syllables, and a much harder thing to understand than “receivership.” He actually looked like he might cry. Boo. Hoo. Ok, next move is yours! I can’t wait, I adore your posts! Mwah!

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