Unfortunately this is very close to the standard Israeli narrative and thus risks being taken seriously as history and not satire !

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I have absolutely no doubt the world believes this through the Israeli led West's media empire.

Unfortunately, I'm sure this history protrayed in the "reverse the Monsters' history" will be reprinted by the Monsters that have a understanding of how thorough a job of thought control they have achieved even prior to their deals with the evil axis and The Collapsing British Empire. The 'Authors' of the world viewed Genocide/Occupation, against all odds hadn't yet gained access to the media that truth can be revealed on. YAY, but they are seeking to gain control of those. "TikTok is bad" according to the West, we know why they are saying this, though.

I'm so glad you accurately told history though on it's head.

Excellent, for even unblinkered people can have the most truthful timeline. Maybe even the people that Israel and the West's lies cannot hold sway over no longer through their complete and self destructive arrogance.

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The colonisers have taken their lead from the Aboriginals of Australia who committed 170 documented instances of genocide, thus rendering the poor English almost extinct.

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The sarcasm has me twisted all around. I can’t tell who’s saying what now. I may have to leave SubStack.

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No don’t. That will mean the Empire has won🤷‍♂️

Or will it🧐

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Guess it’s a personal preference lol

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So the thieves who stole Palestine with the help of the uk thieves and genocidal zionists scumbags of the usa, french, germans have the right to decide. But the OWNERS of Palestine who are Palestinians have no say. What kind of scumbags are these. That's why they stole America from the indigenous Indians and have put them in reservations and murdered millions of them. So did the genocidal french germans colonized Africa and stole the wealth for centuries.

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Of course. Surprised? We ARE the Empire.

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Apologies. I deleted it. Sorry

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Thank you.

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Brilliant 👏👏👏

Oh and 🤬

Fuck the colonizers 😤

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Who knew the two-faced god Janus had been banished and replaced by a group of rich, powerful, cowardly men who do not look backwards or forwards but only live in each moment of protecting their own self-interest? Anyone with open eyes. Thus, “two-faced” now has its current connotation of deceit.

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13,000 Palestinians died at that time (Nakba) and it was nearly 80% of their land. They got 20% “back” in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. 2 million living in a 25 x 10 mile strip. (Well not any more, they’re being starved and bombed out). And 3 million in a place the size of Delaware.

It’s a horrendous, horrendous situation the “civilized” world has tolerated for decades.

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Yep, and no sanctions. NO SANCTIONS!Just endless support from the 'civilzed' world. Is(not)rael gives new meaning to the concept of Apartheid. The South African government pre 1994 was bad, it had secret killing police to assasinate political dissidents, employed the military to quell protests, restricted movement via pass laws, forcibly removed people from where they lived, limited education and could hold anyone for 90 days without charge. However, they never ever bombarded the ghettos/townships/homelands from the air, killing thousands upon thousands of people. The above is not be understood as condoning what happened in South Africa, more to illustrate how much more extreme Israel is 30 years later!

Is(not)rael is getting away with murder! The question is: why?

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Land expansion by depopulating.

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That is indeed what has been happening since 1948, more taking away of land than depopulation. The squeezing of people into smaller and smaller pockets of what used to be Palestine.

Why is Israel allowed to get away with it though?

Why the unwavering support from the USA veto in the UN?

Why the incredible financial aid to Israel, $300B from the USA alone, since its founding?

Why can Israel attack neighbouring countries like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and now Iran and get away with it?

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All to do with having a non Muslim country in the middle of the Muslim countries. US hides their nuclear weapons there and spies and controls all the Muslim countries in that region. US and UK soldiers have been secretly also involved in the destruction of Gaza

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Yes, Why do Biden and Blinken continue to support this obvious genocide with the self-admitted goal of taking all of Palestin

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They should be renamed Blinded and Blinkered.

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When you put it like that... oh no, they still don't get it.

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Let's hope anyone listening gets the satire of this piece! I wonder if it would have even been published had the inverse but real truth been told, not on many platforms methinks! 😜

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Deadly satire about a truly deadly ongoing situation.


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I would like to laugh but all I can do is cry. Laura, I don't know how you manage to keep doing this.

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Sounds insanely evil when you put it this way.

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…by ‘the truly civilized’ I mean the ‘so-called’ civilized countries of the world; the truly civilized’ are the ones that are outraged today!

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How different things could have been. The untold story of Arab Jews — and their solidarity with Palestinians. https://x.com/farci/status/1781277781646545065?s=12&t=BQiOe9jY7UJge-HC4hmmXg

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How interesting! That was hopeful!

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It’s clear beyond a doubt that if the situation in this conflict was reversed, the enablers of this holocaust would be outraged to the point of frenzy. If the Palestinians had been the cruel, bloodthirsty, completely immoral oppressors that the Israelis/Americans have historically been, and continue to be, the truly civilized (?) countries of the world would have long ago protested vigorously in word and deed. The unmitigated hypocrisy that prevails in this ‘conflict’ is breathtakingly odious and infuriating.

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Wait until the population comes to know there was no holocaust! How big do the lies need to be? Why are the previous iterations of the 6m dead and the associated shifts in Jewish society that followed?

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This is the strategy for the ‘strategic stalemate’, election winning machine, as described by Ellsberg, back in the 70s. Obama did it when the Iraqis elected a Muslim brotherhood president and Obama swiftly, negated that and put in, an Iraqi Christian, in charge of the country. Who subsequently took his vengeance out on the Iraq people and state.

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