We obviously have loads of money to splash around, like the billions given to Ukraine last week. All wise and worthwhile investments for people in the UK, who are hungry and cold. I am sure this gives them much comfort and warmth. Can it get any more insane ? I don’t think you will ever run out of material for your brilliant writing. Thank You

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Apparently the money that is going to Ukraine was 50% of the UK corporation Tax collected last year. Good to know how capitalism funds wars not life.

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Can we just make it compulsory that all dart boards are printed with charlies face please?

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Jan 17·edited Jan 18

Oh, that's a really good idea!

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Just what I was thinking, well said. The bull should be where his mouth is for obvious reasons I hope.

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Jan 17Liked by Laura K

Nice 👌🏼 Sometimes, the actions and excesses of the monarchy almost put it beyond parody, but this skewers the whole grotesque circus!

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King Wrong Un!!! LMAO from start to finish!

I'd like to know the justification to feed Wrong Un's vanity when the government says they have no money.

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Delicious reading, as usual! Thank you from France Laura K

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The worst downgrade ever. 🤣 It's funny because it's true 👏🏻😭

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One trusts that this glorious image will be projected onto the Moon to greet & please every ET who comes to worship at the feet of His Imperial Majesty! Ah! That reminds me, I need to go to the bathroom for a good old fashioned dump!

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Perhaps we should print up some toilet paper with the face of HRH.

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One will have a word with one's own Groom of the Stool to see if he would like a change from seeing Margaret Thatcher & Boris Johnson's face everywhere on the toilet tissue.

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I do recall going to Windsor with friends whilst at university. One of the girls went to the public toilets and returned to say that the loo paper was printed on each sheet with 'Government property do not remove'!

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Deliciously wicked. More than brave. Can one buy bullet proof vests with a reinforced back?

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I, for one, will proudly display the King's portrait in my downstairs privvy.

One should always have something inspirational to look at when taking a massive shi.....ft in perspective 🤔💩

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The king always like to spend time with his council in the privy so I am sure he will be very grateful. Anyway, where better to put Charles the T'ird! :)


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Did it really cost 8 million quid or are you pulling my dongle Laura? Actually, I'm so out of it, I had no idea oil paint had been wasted on this useless piece of protoplasm (I cribbed this bit from one of my Comprehensive school teachers).

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What the heck kind of artist thinks their work is worth 8 million?

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It's called money laundering darling. The works are easy to move about, even in broad daylight.

And the artist(e) gets, easy stressless recognition too. Winner winner 🧘🏻‍♀️🌌

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Say it isn't so! But you're probably right. Does it ever end with those people?

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Hunter Biden?

George W. Bush?

Ohh, I’m sorry, my bad, you said artist, not a$$hole.

Now Laura, that’s an artist.

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It's a bloody photograph! What a ripoff! I did find a painting but no regalia:


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yeah i saw that painting, which is also hideous

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Actually, it's not a bad rendition (if you like that kind of thing).

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Is it an 'extraordinary rendition' where the taxpayers' money has been 'seized'?

"Extraordinary rendition is a euphemism for state-sponsored kidnapping in another jurisdiction and transfer to a third state."


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he's been in the dressing up box cos playing a Prince

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I didn't know he was into cosplay, I'm impressed but then again this a guy who wanted to be queenie's tampax

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I am not from the Sceptered Isle so I would be grateful for some help. Was the spaniel named after the king or the king after the spaniel?

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I believe the spaniel after the king Charles I but I haven't checked. I'm sure the internet will confirm one way or another.

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King Wrong un, brilliant. Thanks for the laughs Laura.

I'm sure those sitting freezing in their hovels and the hungry kids in English schools (no school meals for the poor ones, lazy parents not working more hours) will be very heartened and warmed by seeing the photo of Charles#3.

At least the UK really is a genuine KINGdom now, UQueendom just would have sounded so wrong. Yours, from Scottish wokedom. X

Ps, who is the portrait 'artist', I mean genius, so much better than Rembrandt. I need a new artist/genius to look up to.

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I hope things aren't too bad for you up there. I have family in Perthshire.

I see Nicola Sturgeon is in the news again.


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Surprised they did not get Hunter Biden to paint it

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Sigh, I keep thinking can it get worse. It does

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Wow, what a way to give a middle finger to your own country! It's disgusting to see the people who are elected to represent the people and the best interest of their constituents not give a damn, besides who the heck wants a picture of Charles Jong Un.

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I’m all in favour of finding the most expensive way to continue using oil.. shame this doesn’t provide heat or motion, but we can’t win ‘em all.

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It should burn well though.

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I’m willing to carry it rolled up under one arm as I enter (re-enter?) the gates of hell. I would keep you posted on how warm it keeps me but it’s notoriously difficult to get word out of there. On day release via prescription drugs, maybe? XD

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