I do love Your writing style! And I do wish I had two nickles to rub together or I would surely buy You a coffee or two. I will have to make do with sharing. Love always!

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Your skilful deployment of the facts, comedic timing and fearlessness make for a winning combination. I particularly liked this: "Wagner ruthlessly brought down a Russian Il-22 passenger jet after the pilot was dazzled by his floral shirt with a vibrant sheen." 🤣

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Laura K

Seriously, my first thought was that it's a mercenary army so it can be bought.

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Yeah great , all mercenaries Prigo and Zelensky, all in for the money of course there’s behind the scenes Daddy Joe and Sunny Hunter and why not the opera Singer Put...some money in my pocket. Prigo 1 or 2 billion? Daddy Joe 10% of 135 billion same for Zionsky and how much for the guard at the door Put?

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That made me grin all the way through, and especially the bit about Liz Truss's peace visit. We're all convinced the Queen died because she just couldn't face her again!

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Laura K


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Yeah, it's time to smell the coffee

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I would have loved to seen this continue for awhile. WHY? So Putin and the Russians could get a taste of what's going on in Ukraine. Bring to light what Putin is trying so hard to keep hidden.

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I’m with you Melanie. 30 hours of Putin Panic, while a blessing, is short of what it could’ve been.

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Another brilliant satire. You need to expand and take me up on Trudeau or Biden! You would be able to sell books based on the amount of material there is to work with.

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Informed and humorous a winning combination! I personally think Wagner is a ruse or distraction after seeing him speak with other officers he does not come across as particularly articulate whilst Putin has a mind like a trap - very few make it to the rank of full Col in the KGB. We’ve been hearing a lot of talk from bankers venture capitalists setting up and implementing a multi billion rebuilding programme in the Ukraine.

It’s Americas party trick to destroy countries whilst feeding its cash cow military defence complex then gorging again on American led infrastructure rebuilding programme but usually that means the war is over. I often wonder if they hand out the rebuild contracts before or after they destroy them or do contractors get to choose which infrastructure project up front. Nothing would surprise me anymore!

I find the embargo’s concerning on several fronts - the dollar is an illusion, no longer underwritten by gold (sterling too) whilst Russia and China have been stockpiling gold to underwrite their currencies the ‘petro’ dollar is under great pressure and using it as a blunt instrument further devalues it pushing other countries away. Secondly, is it not odd that Russia is keeping open safe shipping routes for Ukrainian grain ships travelling the globe whilst being penalised itself?

I can’t but help feel that this proxy war will only ever be a win for America. At the start of the conflict Russia only wanted to prevent Ukraine NATO membership and create a ‘hot’ border between the two sides. Had this been done the Ukraine would have remained an independent Sovereign State. Now it is owned, a vassal country of Imperial Amerika without putting boots on the ground (ok a few boots to blow the bridge) ultimately the Ukrainian people face a no win - no win scenario.

Has a deal been made for Russia to pull back to the three eastern provinces which are mainly ethnically Russian anyway? Would a rebuild programme be started if the possibly of further escalation and loss of profit was on the table?

I am extremely greatful for articles like this as I know first hand how the main stream media is fed specific information to disseminate. Now retired from U.K. MoD I don’t have access to the sources I used to form briefings. The misinformation and disinformation that is being spread makes it virtually impossible to have an informed opinion from the smoke and mirrors we are being fed. Only investigative reporters and writers of truth here on sub-stack can try and inform us of the truth.

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Fantastic reporting on what could have been a great embarrassment in modern warfare…..

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Jun 26, 2023·edited Jun 26, 2023

Having been thoroughly disillusioned by the covid debacle, I haven't been paying any attention to the news, so this entire karaoke-threat episode came as a surprise. Intrigued, I had to resort to duckduckgo to find out what it meant.

Even though I live across the pond, I think Normal Island will be my new source for international news. Thank you, and as soon as I find two nickels I'll buy you a coffee.

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I’m of the opinion that it’s more likely Wagner is actually a decedent of the 19th Century Sorcerer of Bayreuth, beloved of one Cprl Scheckelgruber. And he’s been put up to it by the Far Right in Eastern Europe. The Ring of power corrupts absolutely!

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Excellent Stuff! Quite funny & actual.

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